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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Angel Bees Cross Stitchers Hive - 提供十字繡手工藝及工藝品、圖稿、材料包、有關工具材料等。
  2. PMC Connection (Hong Kong) - 提供PMC(Percious Metal Clay)證書課程,把金屬處理成黏土狀,使製作者可以創作多變化及高難度的飾物。除了銀黏土(999)及金黏土(18K及24K)外,還有鉑金黏土及玫瑰黏土。
  3. Paper Model Ground; 紙模型場地 - 介紹立體3D紙模型,有人物、卡通、動物、Hello Kitty、米奇老鼠。
  4. Mei Sum Art & Design Ltd.; 美芯美勞有限公司 - 提供美勞手藝、美術用品、佈置用品、紀念禮品、陶藝用品批發、馬賽克壁畫製作等。
  5. Pottery Stall; 缸瓦舖 - 提供手製陶藝禮品、貓貓精品、萬花筒、玻璃及純銀飾物,開辦陶藝班、拉坯班、馬賽克班、首飾製作技巧班、萬花筒班、玻璃鑲嵌及飾物製作等。
  6. Artocraft; 一品作 - 手工藝材料,馬賽克、首飾配件、珠、十字繡、銅線、銀線、銅片、鋁片、貝殼等,工作坊,網上示範製作。
  7. 家政行 - 提供手工藝材料包、十字繡、戟絨布公仔班、毛公仔材料、毛冷、織針、衣服配料(如花邊)等。
  8. Leathermuk - Socialises in exquisite hand carved and land crafted leather art work liked emlossed portraits, sculpture, mural, gifts, orraments and decorations.
  9. Metal and Earth Sculpture Studio; 金與土雕塑工作室 - 教授全面性雕塑的工作室,開辦玻璃、金屬、新陶瓷及基礎雕塑技術訓練。
  10. Thai Home Decor & Crafts; 泰.生活精品 - 零售及批發泰國家居精品和手工藝品,包括花瓶、泰絲、銀器等。 Retails and wholesales hand-made home decoration and crafts imported from Thailand. Products include vases, Thai silk and accessories in silver.
  11. Porcelain Painting Workshop; 瓷畫坊 - 提供瓷畫課程。
  12. Porcelain Painting Workshop - Teachs porcelain painting.
  13. Look Sea Enterprises - Online store of mammoth ivory carving, Japanese style netsukes, pearl jewelry, etc.. 網上售賣根付、雕刻品、工藝品及珠寶首飾。
  14. Oriental Cabinet - Collections of Chinese and oriental antique style art and craft, home decorations, ladies accessories and gifts etc.
  15. Ngai Yuen Company ; 藝苑 - manufacturer of decorative porcelain ware, premium wares range from the contemporary to the classically oriental, we custom make patterns and shapes, according to customers' specifications as well as mold.
  16. TaiPo Tapestry Co. Ltd. - specializing in hand embroidered tapestry, products include wall hangings, footstools, bell-pulls, cloth-hangers, roll cushions, chair upholstery, cushions, piano chairs.
  17. Nationartcraft Trading Company; 利信貿易公司 - 銷售中國民族手工藝品如蠟染畫、皮畫、臉譜、字畫、公仔、扇子、肚兜、剌繍及人工手首飾等。
  18. Gold Dragon Chinese Antique Furniture - Collector and exporter of Chinese antique furniture and artefact in Xianshan (Ningbo), China, specializes in the refurbishment of Chinese antique furniture, most of which are made of unusal and nice wood such as Hua Li , Ju, chicken wing wood, rose and elm wood, etc.
  19. Feather Crafts; 羽毛 - Products include Turkey marabou boas, Chandelle boas, Ostrich boas, feather mask, feather trimmings and package of feather.
  20. Pei Ming Arts Carving (HK) Ltd. - products of birds, ducks, fishes and animals which are made of wood and resin.
  21. Skylink Corporation Ltd; 天兆有限公司 (eArts; 古今藝術世界) - 集合從事古今藝術品,工藝品及珠寶首飾買賣的綜合網站,中古玉網上銷售, 亦提供網頁設計及寄存服務。
  22. Yingtu Handicraft Co.,Ltd. - Export-oriented company, having windchimes, furniture and parts, arts and crafts.
  23. Netsuke - Arts and crafts, mammoth netsuke, mammoth carvingetc.
  24. The Artland Co., Ltd.; 藝林 - supplier of art materials for artists, professionals, teachers & studetns
  25. Internatioanl Arts and Craft - Imports, exports and manufactures mammoth ivory, traditional Asian style art carving products and premium gift items.
  26. Neuberg International Ltd. - Sculpture site. 設計及生產銅、鋼及石質雕刻工藝品。
  27. Comtec Technology Asia Ltd.; 錦達科技公司 - 生產數碼定位的藝術雕刻圖像。
  28. EarthenLee TeaBowl & Works; 李春和茶碗暨陶藝創作展 - 含李春和的茶碗及陶藝創作。 Includes Earthen Lee's pottery artworks.
  29. 中國雕刻藝術珍藏有限公司 - 提供中國石雕。
  30. Shui On Arts & Crafts; 瑞安工藝 - Importer/exporter of raw material of Mammoth Ivory and Hippopotamus teeth.
  31. Lise Carving & Jewellery Fty.Ltd.,; 麗時雕刻首飾製品廠有限公司 - Manufacturers of ivory, mammoth tusk, hippon teeth, bone, horn wares.
  32. Product Gateway - An internation marketplace for sourcing products from toys to 3D painting.
  33. Handicraft From Maggieman; Maggieman夢工場 - 提供訂購以布料製作的掛飾、擺設、匙扣及電話繩,另有興趣班;另有相片分享、網主日記、論壇等。
  34. Sun Hing Industrial Co.; 燊興實業公司 - Carved with natural materials - buffalo bone, Horn, Tagua nut, iron wood and ivory etc., Products include earrings, necklaces, pendants, beads, netsukes andsculptures etc.
  35. Miko & Chili Workshop - DIY、handicraft、民族工藝品、手飾物、香薰、黏土、陶瓷、風鈴、蠟燭、貝殼、木器、布藝的跳蚤市場。
  36. Corewell Trading Co., Ltd. - Italian woodwork
  37. Play With Sand; 玩泥沙 - 批發彩沙、沙樽及沙畫。
  38. Full-Arts Trading Co.; 藝豐古玩 - 經營中國古玩, 工藝品等.
  39. DIY Handicrafts; 手工藝 - 提供手工藝課程及興趣班。
  40. goldencheung - antiques & crafts.
  41. KingShop Gallery; 中國傳統工藝精品店 - 提供家居擺設、金石畫、瓦片畫、花果擺設、掛畫、花瓶、微縮服、中國/印度傳統工藝、相架、燭台、木刻畫等。
  42. Tip Top Crafts Industrial Co.,Ltd. - Designing, producing and exporting fashion jewelry and hair ornaments.
  43. Sumheart; 精品 - 專營全手造精品,合回禮、畢業紀念品、公司團體、生日禮物,另提供刻字服務。
  44. Figure Concept 人像公仔網上商店 - 提供人像、Q版、陶瓷公仔網上訂購,可創作個人Q版公仔。
  45. Phoenix Art Co. (HK) Ltd.; 鳳凰工藝(香港)有限公司 - Pruducts include porcelain, poly-resin, wood, MDF (multiple density fibreboard), iron, tin and terra cotta, etc..
  46. Life-Workshop; 生活工場 - 推介純銀黏土、99.9%純銀飾品、皮革、手工藝,另提供純銀黏土課程、手工藝課程、網上訂購服務等。
  47. Earning Industrial Co., Ltd.' 盈生實業有限公司 - 有電腦繡花禮品、刺繡家庭用品、承造團體T恤及風褸。
  48. Heartquarter; 心意網 - 銷售手工藝禮物及產品的網上交易平台。促進, 發揚, 及推廣個人的手工藝創作和獨特創意。
  49. Artwin International Ltd.; 藝軒國際有限公司 - Wholesales and retails oil painting, frame, Chinese arts & crafts.
  50. BeadsPro; 珠鋪 - Retails and wholesales beads, findings, silver, cyrstal, tools, lampwork supplies online. 網上零售及批發珠子、配件、銀飾、水晶、工具、燈工材料等。
  51. Double Layers Craft - 香港設計師,銷售手造Figure。
  52. Cynthia Room - 介紹親手做的麵粉花及黏土小物。
  53. Silver One's; 銀點子 - 專營純銀黏土材料、窯燒玻璃、開辦純銀飾物課程,含學員作品集。
  54. Flora Art Flour Flower; 芊藝精品 - 提供麵粉花興趣班。
  55. Delighted Handicraft; 怡情軒 - 教授紙蕾絲、針剌羊毛、麵粉花等手工藝,另教授十字繡及發售工具、材料、書籍。
  56. Energy Education Center; 活力教育中心 - 提供黏土工藝課程,內容包括迷你情景、迷你小販檔及迷你食物等。
  57. Chinese Arts & Souvenirs Company; 中國藝術禮品公司 - 批發及製造仿象牙藝術品。 Supplies and wholesaies ivory imitation crafts, souvenirs and jewellary.
  58. Foundation Glass & Metal Works Ltd.; 開源玻璃五金廠有限公司 - Specializes in arts & crafts such as glass, metal, ceramics, pottery, porcelain, kerosene oil, candle & hurricane lamps(modern, classic & antique style), tableware & kitchenware(salt & pepper set, acrylic glass, champagne cooler, ice bucket, coffee mugs).
  59. MiniCraft; 麵粉花手工藝室 - 售賣麵粉花及麵粉花製作材料.
  60. FloraArt; 芊藝精品 - 教授製作麵粉黏土工藝,批發手工藝材料及製成品。

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