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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. www.yanfong.net Press Release; 時裝設計師方如昕 - 時裝設計師方如昕的blog。
  2. Amzon Production Co.; 雅索創作室 - Services include animation, rendering, web design, graphic.
  3. Timbee Lo Fashion Design House; TIMBEE LO時裝設計室 - 香港男裝時裝設計師個人網頁,介紹他的時裝設計作品。
  4. 耶律工作室 - 提供網頁設計及推廣、廣告設計及企劃設計服務。
  5. DerrickTao.com - 含網主檔案、相片、個人網站作品及網頁設計服務。
  6. Emotive Studio Ltd. - Servicing include packaging, graphic and product design.
  7. Siu Design - Product and Transportation - Showcase of Product, Transportation, Lighting, and Furniture Design. Specialized in Creative Analysis, Concept Making, and Design Strategies.
  8. Antinow.com - Online portfolio including graphic and illustration, 3D animation and interactive.
  9. Venus Tang's Blog - brand design, graphic design, web design, interactive design, photography, search engine optimization (SEO), digital video, digital audio
  10. Postnote; 破手札 - 內容容括flash、action script、網路行銷、美術設計等。
  11. 3D Media - 提供印刷及平面設計服務。由意念搆思、設計包裝、物料選用、產品攝影至印刷生產。
  12. Team8 Design Workshop; 第八小隊設計事務所 - Provides design services such as web design, flash design and print design.
  13. Keith Lau Profolio - Includes personal design profolio, including graphic, video, 3D animation, webpage.
  14. DickyPin.com - Includes personal design works.
  15. Pauldesign Ltd. - Services include brand design, interior design, exhibition design, multi-media design.
  16. V-Concept Studio - Web page design, graphic design, flash movie production, movie editing and corporate identity.
  17. Leaves Creation - Services include photographic, advertising agency, catalogue, brochure promotion, leaflet, printing, packaging, advertising services and web page design. 提供平面設計項目,如書刊、海報、說明書、印刷品、包裝禮盒等。
  18. Freelance Graphic Designer - Freelance graphic design services worked with accountancy firms, Law Firms, lifestyle brands, charities, photographers, rock bands and sports clubs.
  19. Tai Portfolio - Includes personal design and photography works.
  20. ColceDolly; 酷絲多莉 - 香港本地原創卡通品牌,含各類精美作品及人物介紹。
  21. Cheng Cheng Workshop; 井井工作室 - 井井的個人網站, 包括學生美藝作品, 校園創藝活動及香港藝聞等.
  22. MarkLaw X Antenna - 內含設計師markLaw的媒體訪問、所穫獎項及作品,當中包括插畫、短片、模型、攝影及設計。
  23. Design Kingdom Ltd.; 設計國度 - Services include advertising, graphic design, decoration, promotion or function organization, props design and booth design.

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