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Cantonese Opera

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Artists-粵劇藝人 (4)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Cantonese Opera Home Page; 粵劇 - We will try to educate and inform those that are interested in the subject of Cantonese Opera on the Past , Present and Future of this wonderous and beautiful art form of China.
  2. Kimsum-opera; 劍心粵劇團 - 本團前身為香港粵劇演藝工作室. 一直扮演著策劃、統籌、培訓、推廣及製作粵劇、粵曲演出的角色;冀望籍著一些不同類型的演出提升演藝水平。內容有劇團介紹, 粵劇推廣, 課程介紹及活動照片等.
  3. Kim San Sing Cantonese Opera Troupe; 劍新聲粵劇團和粵劇近代掌故 - 粵劇近代掌故和「劍新聲劇團」資訊.
  4. NingFung; 靈風藝術協會 - 推廣傳統粵劇曲藝。

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