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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. PotteryHeya; 陶部屋 - 提供兒童陶藝課程、成人手造陶藝課程、拉柸陶藝課程及學校或團體陶藝課程。網上作品銷售及紀念品定造。
  2. Artminor.org; 無念空間 - 以陶藝為主的多元藝術工作室,除舉辦陶藝課程之外,亦提供自由的工作空間租用予陶藝創作者,更開辦另類工作坊。
  3. Pottery Farm; 陶夢工房 - 提供兒童陶藝班、成人陶藝班、陶藝家曾章成簡介、陶藝工作室簡介、小泥人計劃等。 Provides kid's pottery class, adult's pottery class, introduction of Johonson Tsang Cheung-shing, introduction of pottery workshop, pottery kid scheme.
  4. 大陶工作室 - 提供陶藝製作技巧教授及分享。
  5. Wah Tung China Arts Ltd.; 華通陶瓷 - Provides antique porcelain.
  6. China Antique; 汝寶齋 - The National gallery of art, collections of major achievements in painting, sculpture, and graphic arts from the Middle Ages. 有關中國古代陶瓷的資料.
  7. Hong Kong Piezo Company Ltd.; 香港功能陶瓷有限公司 - Provides piezoelectric ceramics of buzzer, element, ultrasonic, transducer, filter, resonator, sensor, actuator, igniter, vibrator, speaker, humidifier, cleaner, mist maker, welder, flowmeter, materials in China.
  8. To Ngai Earthware Co. Ltd.; 陶藝 - manufacturer of decorative porcelain wares.
  9. ChinaPiezo.com; 中國壓電陶瓷網 - Portal for piezoelectric, electro-ceramics, buzzer, element, ultrasonic transducer, filter, resonator, sensor, actuator, igniter, motor, transformer, vibrator, speaker, humidifier, cleaner, mist maker, welder, flowmeter.
  10. The Old 3F Studio; 唐叁摟陶坊 - 交流陶藝經驗,提供陶瓷課程。
  11. YA Collections; 逸緻心思 - 手制陶瓷, 陶器, 貓, 豬, 生活用品. Handmade ceramic, pottery, cat, art, living things, pig.
  12. Pottery Equipment; 陶藝設備 - 供應陶泥、釉色、陶藝工具、電窯、拉坯機及相關設備材料,另承接手制陶瓷精品。 Supplies clay, glazes, tools, kiln, wheel, etc. & orders handmade ceramic products.
  13. Asia Master Ltd. - Manufacturers and exporters of ceramic product.

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