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Brand Names-¹q¸£¤½¥q«~µP (6)
Sites for you ( §Ú­n¥[¤J Sites for You Àu¥ý±Æ§Ç ¤¤ ): ºô¯¸±Æ¦æ: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Inwa Computer System; ­^©M¹q¸£ - °â½æ¹q¸£²Õ¦X¡B´£¨Ñ¹q¸£«O¾iºû­×¡Bºôµ¸¤uµ{ªA°È¡C
  2. e Soultion Company - ¤@¶¡¥H¤u§@«Ç§Î¦¡(Small Office Home Office, §YSOHO)¤¤¤p«¬¥ø·~, ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£ÅU°ÝªA°È, ´ÀÅU«È³]­p¦UÃþ¹q¸£ºôµ¸, µ{¦¡³n¥ó©M¦UºØ¹q¸£³]³Æµ¥ªA°È.
  3. Meters & Measurements Ltd - Instrumentation products and systems, portable data capture products and systems.
  4. APPTAILOR; ¶®Äˬì§Þ - ¤@¯¸¦¡ºô­¶ªA°È, µ{¦¡¶}µo, ¨t²Î, ºô¯¸±À¼s, ¬yµ{§ï³y, ±H¦s, ºô¯¸²Î­p, ºûÅ@, ¹q¤l¶P¥d, ¹q¶l¤è®×, ·|­û¨t²Î, ºô¤W°Ó©±, «H¥Î¥d¥æ©ö¨t²Î, SMSµu°T.
  5. Loksi Information Company; ¼Ö¨Æ¸ê°T¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¤Wªù¹q¸£ºû­×ªA°È¡A¾P°â²Õ¸Ë¹q¸£¤Î¹q¸£¹Ï®Ñ¡A¨Ã³]¦³ºô­¶¤Î°Ó·~µ{¦¡³]­p¡C
  6. Topone Technology Ltd.; ²Ä¤@¸ê°T¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¸ê°T¬ì§ÞªA°Èµ¹°Ó·~«È户¡C§Ú­Ì­P¤O¨ó§U¤¤¤p¥ø´£°ª¥«³õÄvª§¡A¥[±j¤½¥q¬ì§Þ«O¦w¥H¤Î¹q¸£¨t²ÎªºÃ­©w©Ê¡C
  7. LincMedia - PC rental, software solutions, internet deveopment, websites, publishing
  8. WKPro ¹q¸£ªA°È¤½¥q - Computer repair and network support¡A½d³ò¥]¬A¨t²Î«O¾iºû­×¡Bºôµ¸¤uµ{¥H¤Î¦³Ãö¹q¸£ªº¨ä¥L¤j¤p°ÝÃD.
  9. CMS Computer House Ltd.
  10. laser computer limited
  11. PolyU Technology & Consultancy Co. Ltd. - Provides consultancy services, contract research, laboratory testing, surveys and studies, system design and improvement, product design and development, technology development & transfer, commercialization of technologies.
  12. Digital China Holding Ltd (#861); ¯«¦{¼Æ½X¦³­­¤½¥q (#861) - Focuses on building up e-commerce in China by engaging in: the distribution of foreign brand IT products; the provision of systems integration services; and the development and distribution of networking products. ¤¤°ê¦U¤j«°¥«¹q¸£³n¥ó, ¹q¸£µw¥ó, ¥~°ê¦U¤j¹q¸£¦WµPÁ`¥N²z.
  13. Unique Asia Technology Ltd.; °ß¨È¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£²Õ¦X¡Bºô­¶³]­p¡Bºô­¶±H¦s¡Bºôµ¸¬[³]¡B³nµw¥ó¦w¸Ë¡Bµ{¦¡³]­pµ¥ªA°È¡C
  14. Yoric Network Ltd. - provider of information technology services to corporations.
  15. Icon Business Systems Ltd.; ©É¦w¹q¸£¦³­­¤½¥q - Networking, hardware, business software and web page design...¥D­n¸gÀç¿ì¤½«Ç¹q¸£ºôµ¸¤Æ, ¹q¸£²Õ¦X, °Ó·~³n¥ó¶}µo, ºô­¶³]­p¦s©ñ, ¹q¸£§Þ³N¤ä´©¡A¬G»Ù³B²zµ¥ªA°È.
  16. Sys Solutions Ltd; ³n¨³¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ­»´ä°ò«ØªA°È¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡A´£¨Ñ°ò«Ø«Ø³]¡B°ò«ØüL¤Æ¤Î°ò«Ø¼W­Èµ¥ªA°È¡C¨Ã´£¨ÑÅU°ÝªA°È¡A¥]¬Aºôµ¸¨t²Î¡B°ò«ØºÞ²z¤Î¬°¤¤¤p¥ø·~«Ø³]¹q¸£©Ð¡C
  17. A Microstyle Computer; ÃÀ­·¹q¸£¤¤¤ß - °Ó·~³n¥ó¶}µo¡A¥úºÐ³]­p¤Î»s§@¡A¤¬ÁpºôªA°È¤è®×¡A¥]¬Aºô¯¸ªA°È(Web Hosting), ºô­¶³]­p (Web site design), °Ó·~ºô§}(domain name), ºô¤W°Ó©±(Web store) ¤Î°Ó·~«È¤á¤Wºô¡C¿ì¤½«Ç¹q¸£ºôµ¸¤Æ¡A¹q¸£§Þ³N¤ä´©¡A¬G»Ù³B²zµ¥ªA°È¡C
  18. Infogear Systems Company; ¸ê°T°Ê¯à¨t²Î¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¤@¯¸¦¡ªº¹q¸£ºôµ¸¤è®×¥]¬A¨t²Î³]­p¡A¦w¸Ë¡A¦UºØºû­×¦X¬ù¤Î¤Wªù¤ä´©ªA°Èµ¥¥t¦³ºô­¶³]­p¤Î¹q¤l¶l¥óªA°È¡C
  19. ComLogic Technology Co. - Internet server setup, invoicing & accounting software System
  20. Maxpro Technology Development Ltd.; ¥þ°Ê¬ì§Þµo®i¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£ÅU°ÝªA°È, ³n¥ó³]­p, ºôµ¸³]­p¤Î¦w¸Ë, µw¥ó«O¾iºû­×, ¤¬Ápºô­¶³]­p, ¹q¸£°ö°V, ³n¥ó¥N²z, ¿ì¤½«Ç¦Û°Ê¤Æ¤uµ{. Provides consulting, software application development, networking service, computer sale, repair and maintenance, web design, computer training, software agent, pixmaker.
  21. UltraSys Company Limited - Our company offers advice from system design to web site hosting at a very competitive rate.
  22. China East Technology Ltd; µØªF¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - provides full range of CD-Audio, CD-ROM, SVCD, Video CD, business card CD, irregular shaped CD replication/duplication. packaging service is provided. Multimedia CD-ROM production and other CDs accessories are available.
  23. Country Capital Technology Ltd; °ê³£¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ²£«~¤¶²Ð¡C
  24. CNC Corporation Ltd; ¹q¸£ºôµ¸ - µw¥óºû­×«O¾i, Novellºôµ¸¤uµ{, WindowsNT¤É¯Å, fax server, e-mail, internet ¤Wºô³n¥ó, ÅU°ÝªA°È.
  25. Founder (Hong Kong) Limited - system integration, distribution of computers & related products
  26. CL Technical Services Ltd. ; ¤é¹F¹q¸£¶°¹Î¤½¥q - specializes in providing IT outsourcing services like after-sale computer hardware maintenance, call center and help desk, internet security and training. ¬°¤£¦P¦æ·~ªº¤½¥q´£¨Ñ¨t²Î¶°¦¨¡B³n¥ó¶}µoµ¥¤@¨t¦C³nµwÅé²£«~ªA°È¡C
  27. Cybersys Computer Ltd; ¥ü¿³¬ì°ì(­»´ä)¦³­­¤½¥q - InfoTalk, InfoFax, InfoView, InfoAccel, Cybersys, VoIPInternet phone solution provider
  28. Finetop Technology Ltd.; ÂE®õ¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ±MÀç¹q¤l¡B¹q¸£¨t²Î; ¦p¤j·Hºî¦XºÞ²z¨t²Î, ¹q¤lÅã¥ÜªO¤ÎµoÁn¨t²Îµ¥.
  29. iConcept Ltd. - multimedia CD-ROM, Education, web and advertisement design and software development in Hong Kong
  30. United Computer & Information System; Áp¬ì¹q¸£¸ê°T¨t²Î - Web design & hosting, mutilmedia CD design, networking, programming. ºô­¶³]­p¤Î±H¦s¡B¦h´CÅé¥úºÐ³]­p¤Îµo¦æ¡Bºôµ¸¤uµ{¡Bµ{¦¡½s¼gµ¥¡C
  31. Exabyte Corporation - provides tape backup and intelligent, automated data storage solutions.
  32. Fitec Computer Company; ­¸Ä˹q¸£¤½¥q - retails every kind of computer components, includes whole set of computer, network building, web hosting, web design etc.
  33. Innovision Technology Corporation Ltd.; ª÷¹©¬ì§ÞªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¨t²Î¾ã¦XªA°È¡A¥]¬A¦¬»È¾÷¡B¨ê¥d¾÷¡B¥[ªo¯¸¹q¸£¤Æ¨t²Î¡B¹q¤l°Ó°È¾÷¨îµ¥¡C
  34. PCCW Online Shop; ¹q°T¬Õ¬ìºô¤W°Ó©± - Provides electronics, PCs, notebooks, PDAs, phones, fax, innovative & trendy products, business solutions.
  35. TSE Computer Limited - a computer firm dealing businesses in computer software and hardware products
  36. Travel Kingdom; ®È¹C·~¹q¤l¤Æ - ´£¨Ñ®È¹C·~ºô¯¸³]­p¡Bµ{¦¡³]­p¡B¨¾¬r¤Î«O¦w¤è®×¡B³nµw¥ó¤É¯ÅªA°È¡C
  37. ANCO Computer - Computer trading company
  38. Eyber Multimedia - Software develop, multimedia CD Rom e-catalog, broadband application, 3D modelling, video streaming, callmeanytime, callme, webj.
  39. System X-10 - computer systems
  40. Cactus Systems Co.; ¥d°ì¹q¸£ºôµ¸¤½¥q - ¤¶²Ð¸Ó¤½¥qªº·~°È½d³ò¡C
  41. BOB Systems Co. Ltd.; - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£»Pºô¸ô¦øªA¾¹²Õ¸Ë¡M¹q¸£¹s¥ó¡M³n¥ó¶}µo¤ÎÅU°ÝªA°È¡C
  42. Partner Software Limited; ¬f¤O³n¥ó¦³­­¤½¥q - Partner Software is an IT solution provider bridging mainland China and the rest of the world, specializing in application development outsourcing, system integration and CMM consultation.
  43. Pro-comm Computer System; Ä_°T¹q¸£¤½¥q - ±MÀç¦UÃþºô¤WªA°È, ¦³Palm Pilot¡C
  44. Technical & Design Co.; ­}°ª¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£¤Æ³]³Æ,¿ì¤½«Çºôµ¸¤uµ{,¤Î§Þ³N¤ä´©
  45. 101 Computer Company; 101¹q¸£¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£ªA°È¤©¤£¦P¶¥¼h¤§¤H¥K¡A©Ò¦³¦³Ãö¹q¸£²£«~¡AµL½×³nÅé¡BµwÅé¡Bºôµ¸¨ÑÀ³§¡ª½±µ¥Ñ¥»¤½¥q¤Î¨ä¦X§@¥ë¦ñ¬ã»s¡B¶}µo¤Î¥N²z¡C
  46. AdvanTech Company - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£³n¥ó¤Îµw¥ó¾P°â¡B¦øªA¾¹¤Îºôµ¸¦w¸Ë¡B§Þ³N¤ä´©¡Bºû­×©M«O¾i¡Bºô­¶³]­pµ¥ªA°È¡C
  47. CompuMark System Trading; ±dÃнX¬ì§ÞÅU°Ý¦³­­¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£²Õ¦X¤Î¶gÃä³]³Æ¡A¨Ã³]ºôµ¸¾Q³]¡B¹q¸£ºû­×«O¾i¤Îºô­¶³]­pµ¥ªA°È¡C
  48. Toptron Computer System Co; ­}³Ð¹q¸£¨t²Î - ´£¨Ñ¤@¯¸¦¡ªº¹q¸£ºôµ¸¤è®×, ¥]¬A¨t²Î³]­p¡A¦w¸Ë¡A¦UºØºû­×¦X¬ù¤Î¤Wªù¤ä´©ªA°Èµ¥, ¥t¦³ºô­¶³]­p¤Î¹q¤l¶l¥óªA°È¡C
  49. Smart Wise Technology Ltd.; ©ú¼z¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - Products and services include software, hardware and I.T. services.
  50. ASA Business Service Company - ´£¨Ñ¹q¸£¯²¸î¡B¦Lªí¾÷¤Î¹q¸£ºû­×µ¥ªA°È¡A¥t³]¦³³n¥ó½s¼g¡C
  51. i-hknet Computer Co. - ¬°¤¤¤p«¬¤½¥q¤Î®a®x´£¨Ñí©wªº¹q¸£¨t²Î¡A¥ç¬°¦U¤¤¤p«¬¤½¥q§@ºôµ¸(LAN)¬[³]¡Aºô­¶±H¦s¡A¹q¸£ºû­×¤Î«O¾i¡A­Ó¤H¹q¸£¤Î¹q¸£©PÃä³]³Æ¾P°â¡C
  52. Five Stones Office Equipment Company; ¾÷©¶¤å»ö¾¹§÷¤½¥q - ´£¨Ñ»õ®a¦L(Extra-Print)¥´¦L¾÷¥Îªº¬Û¥Î¾¥¤Î¬´¯»¡B«Xù´µ¨¾¬r³n¥óKaspersky(¥d¤Ú´µ°ò)µ¥¡C
  53. IT-Soldiers Solution Ltd.; ¨ó¸s¬ì§Þ¦³­­¤½¥q - ¬°¤¤¤p«¬¥ø·~´£¨Ñ¸Ñ¨M¤è®×¡A¨Ã¬°«È¤á´£¨Ñ­Ó§O¨t²Î³]­p¤Î¶}µo¡B¾ã¦X¡B°t¸m¤ä´©ªA°È¡C®Ö¤ß·~°È¥]¬AIT¸Ñ¨M¤è®×¡B¨t²Î³]­p¤Î¶}µo¡B°ì¦Wµù¥U±H¦s¡Bºô­¶¤Î¹q¶lªA°Èµ¥¡C
  54. Tung Shing Technology Company; ªF²±¬ì§Þ¤½¥q - ¦³µw¥ó¿ï°t¡C

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