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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Mind Smart - IT and online marketing consultant. Services included web site design and optimisation, search engine optimisation, web marketing, and e-mail marketing.
  2. Cyberapex Technology Ltd. - provides I.T. support service, software development, web design and hosting services.
  3. Tree System Ltd.; 智達系統香港有限公司 - 服務包括電腦系統顧問、網頁寄存及設計、系統軟件開發、系統集成、單機多用戶系統、系統軟件培訓、電子商務系統及網絡建設。
  4. Nexus Solutions Ltd. - Network security provider. Provides tailor-made, continuity, efficiency and security solution for business. 一間網絡服務供應商。我們按客戶不同的要求度身訂造一個合適方案,而方案是結合了網絡溝通,基建和保安三大技術。Nexus 服務的宗旨是要確保客戶獲得一個無間斷,高效能又安全的網絡。
  5. Dual Layer IT Solutions Ltd. - Provides IT project management, IT solutions, technical support services.
  6. Teclink Development Ltd.; 科訊發展有限公司 - Focuses on system development, integration and related services with sales and administrative functions.
  7. DBC System Company; 卓匯系統公司 - 提供資訊科技解決方案,如網站設計、程式編寫、網絡推廣、系統維護等等。We are aimed to make the very fine web & IT solution to our customers.
  8. Performer in IT Ltd.; 慧業資訊科技有限公司 - Products & services including: network management & security, consulting services, web development & design, application design & system integration, intranet & protal solutions etc..
  9. Evinco Solutions Ltd.; 意高方案有限公司 - 研究及開發創電子方案,產品包括電郵推廣軟件、電子目錄及市場銷售支援網上/桌面方案。
  10. V-sols Ltd.; 慧迅科技 - Provides customer relationship management(CRM), enterprise resources planning(ERP), MRP, MRPII, point of saless(POS) management, trading and accounting systems, internet security, information security consultancy and training.
  11. South China House of Technology Consultants Ltd. (SCHOT); 南中國科技顧問 - 高級科技研究器材顧問服務。
  12. Top Legend Technology Company; 高正科技公司 - 區域網絡安裝; 寬頻互聯網連接; 網頁製作; 硬件顧問服務; 資料管理系統; 網域名稱註冊; 廣域網絡安裝; 網絡安全; 網頁寄存; 軟件顧問服務; Linux 應用服務。
  13. MicroWeb Ltd. - Specializing in marketing high technology services for consumer, commercial and industrial applications.
  14. Alfacom Group; 冠亞集團 - technology and consulting company with its branch offices in Japan, Malaysia and China.
  15. HKCK Technology - Your Computer Business Solution; HKCK Technology - 你的一站式電腦服務 - Provides computer related solution and consulting service to companies in Hong Kong. Services include network planning, software developing, hardware selling.
  16. CoWorkshop Solutions - 專門替企業進行電腦化服務, 包括網絡設計、 軟件程式設計及硬件設施顧問、網頁設計及技術支援。
  17. Jillion Consulting (Asia) Ltd. - 為顧客提供一站式文件管理方案(document management solution)、資料庫管理(database management)、系統支援及顧問(consultation & system maintenance)、企業系統保安(system security)及代理千里眼(TeleEye)服務。
  18. X Computer Co.; 信諾電腦公司 - 提供家庭及公司電腦上門維修、安裝、網絡架設、升級及組裝電腦等。並有網頁製作及電腦書籍訂購服務。
  19. Kernel System Global Consulting (KSGC); 核心系統環球顧問 - Provides solutions including business application such as Epicor, ACCPAC, MYOB; networking management solutions such as Bindview, NetIQ, Executive Software, NetScreen and various marketing solution. Also provides a range of IT services such as consulting, system development and outsourcing.
  20. Kinetix Systems Ltd. - Provides solutions in both technological advancement and business re-engineering and information technology services to business organizations.
  21. MJM Computer Technology Co., Ltd.; 鴻基電腦科技有限公司 - 提供電腦維修保養、軟件開發、網頁設計及寄存、網絡架設等服務。
  22. Associated System Consulant (ASC); 聯合系統 - Specializes in providing services in integrated system in trading sector, insurance brokerage service in insurance industry, data backup, APA (All Points Addressable) printing solutions, business consultancy and modeling, system development and implementation, office automation, project management, technical maintance and support.
  23. Times Computer Company; 時代電腦公司 - 銷售電腦軟件及硬件、提供電腦維修、網絡設計、架設及電子解決方案等服務。 Provides hareware & software, maintenance services, network design & E-Biz total solution provider.
  24. Technix-Pro Systems Consulting Ltd.; 創域系統顧問有限公司 - 為大型企業及中小企提供一站式I.T.整合方案及企業培訓服務,服務範圍包括Linux系統管理及支援、平台轉移、太陽電腦(Sun Microsystems)軟硬件保養及維修、防火牆設置及網絡系統設計、系統稽核、黑客模擬入侵及防護。企業培訓服務包括提供Sun Solaris、Check Point Firewall、Red Hat Linux及Microsoft課程。
  25. A&D Partners Ltd.(Hong Kong); 亞大聯合科技有限公司 - Provides chartered IT consulting services and application development services.
  26. Computech Holdings Ltd.; 駿科網路訊息有限公司 - 提供外判資訊科技服務、供應代理鏈軟件及自動數據收集系統解決方案。 Provides IT warranty outsourcing services and automated solutions.
  27. Version System; 華訊系統國際有限公司 - 提供電腦應用解決方案及設計應用軟件,如進出口貿易系統、會計金融系統等。
  28. Sky Systems Ltd.; 藍天系統有限公司 - Products and services include Microsoft license, servers, PCs, notebooks, routers, switches, ERP management system, web-based membership dystem, customize system solution, web design, web-base system solution, web hosting, database management, repair and maintenance, etc..
  29. Computing Age Co.; 電腦時代公司 - 服務包括經銷電腦產品、網絡設計及工程、商業軟件設計、防盜監察系統、電腦資料保安及回復、網頁設計。
  30. Global Base Consultants Ltd.; 創豪顧問有限公司 - 專為中小企業及物流業提供電腦程式及網絡設計、電腦維修及保養等服務。
  31. Global Village Systems Ltd. - Virtual private network, database, networking, web design & hosting, voice over IP, voice gateway, system integrator, video conference, e-business, 虛擬私有網絡, 資料庫系統, 電子商務, 網頁設計及寄存, 網路電話及視像會議.
  32. Manwai International Technology Ltd.; 民衛國際科技有限公司 - Services include PC support, network solution, office system support, website design, web hosting and ERP solution.
  33. Sysoper Company - Provides consultancy and implementation services on infrastructure, networking, office automation, e-commerce.
  34. SB Global Enterprise; 鍶煒環球企業 - 提供資訊科技及支援方案。幫助你建立及管理貴公司的電腦系統及聯網。
  35. Associated System Consulant(ASC); 聯合系統 - Services include computer system consultancy, software development and document printing solutions.
  36. Alpha Daemon Consultants - 為商業及教育機構提供一站式電腦服務方案,如網頁設計、程式開發、網絡架設等方案;幫助客戶解決在電子化業務時所遇到的困難及障礙,提供解決方案。
  37. Imagination Solutions Ltd. - Provides IT consultancy, application development and integration services.
  38. Intelliz Solutions; 您的一站式資訊科技服務及管理伙伴 - Are you an SME owner? With Intelliz Solutions, you can now enjoy IT services.
  39. Maxco Technology Ltd.; 明高 - 提供網絡保安、系統整合、顧問式管理服務、網絡管理等服務。 Services include business continuity, network security, server consolidation, server migration, network maintenance, etc..
  40. Sandiy - IT Solutions - Provider of network support, database development,and IT consulting for the China.
  41. Itech Consulting - services include application development, internet/e-commerce enablement, as well as network design and implementation with particular focus on performance and security, specialize in Point-of-sales, POS.
  42. 永寧集團有限公司; Wing Ning Enterprise Co. Ltd - 提供電腦諮詢顧問、網頁設計、網路架設、網絡技術支援、程式設計及開發、系統保安等服務。

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