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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 3D Kenco Ltd - provides 3-D image equipment and services.
  2. Lazarus3D - 含3D名家介紹、文章、畫廊等。
  3. Graphimorph; 高像制作 - Making, supplying & exporting products: 3-D image lenticual & D idital light box-multi image.
  4. Paws Multimedia - Provide 3D modelling and rendering service for interior design and architecture firms.
  5. Free Style Gallery Co. - Designs and provides 3D computer graphic & animation for architectural and interior. 代客繪製設計及製作建築和室內設計的電腦效果圖及動畫、彩色或黑白平面圖、施工圖及飲食牌照圖則。

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