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Data Centers

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. PowerB@se - 經營互聯網數據中心服務,提供伺服器代管服務。
  2. 香港商業互聯網交匯; Hong Kong Commercial Internet Exchange (IXTech Ltd.) - IXTech Limited operates the Hong Kong Commercial Internet eXchange (HKCIX), which offers high capacity Internet traffic exchange for commercial parties in Hong Kong.
  3. Hong Kong Internet eXchange - 由香港中文大學主理,主要負責連接本地的互聯網供應商,提高資料在本地網路上交流的效率。
  4. iAdvantage Ltd.; 互聯優勢 - offers data centre providing facility management and server co-location services for internet companies.
  5. PowerNetIX Data Center - Provides high-availability connections to the Internet, dedicated connections, facilities management solution, managed IP transit services, Virtual Private Networking(VPN), video streaming facilities, data warehousing solutions, IP peering connections and virtual IP platform.
  6. Diyixian.com; 第一線有限公司 - Offering Internet connection, Internetworking, virtual private network(VPN) and server co-location (server hosting) services to corporate users, include products & services, customer support, network status, news room, career center and FAQ etc,. 為大中小型企業、電子商務機構及入門網站提供專線服務, 虛擬私用網絡系統和伺服器管理服務,有網絡系統、產品服務、顧客支援、網絡概況、新聞中心、職位招聘及常問問題等內容。
  7. Level 3 Communications, Inc. - build and operate fibre networks using Internet protocols.
  8. DataSphere; 訊達飛亞(香港)有限公司 - DataSphere was founded on the pillars of providing competent technical infrastructure solution for data center, network operation center.

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