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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Newsgroup, Computer Association (CA), HKBU; 香港浸會大學電腦學會新聞組 - Aims at delivering computer/technology-related news.
  2. Hong Kong Computer Society; 香港電腦學會
  3. Hong Kong Association for Computer Education; 香港電腦教育學會 - Promotes computer education. 提供電腦教育。
  4. 香港訊息科技協進會 - 推廣本港資訊科技工業的發展.
  5. Association for Computing Machinery, Hong Kong Chapter - include member information, executive committee information and local activites, organize short courses with universities to serve the needs of IT professionals.
  6. CHKCI; 香港電腦商會 - 電腦業界組織,目標是增加行內人仕溝通機會、商業機會、爭取共同利益、加速電腦生活化及推廣電腦教育.
  7. Information Technology Exchange Center; 資訊科技交流中心 - to promote access to information technology and to encourage information sharing among participants.
  8. Hong Kong Information Technology Association; 香港資訊科技協會 - includes founder, mission, membership, press release and partners.
  9. Hkita; 香港資訊科技聯盟有限公司 - 齊集本地科技資訊業中的軟件開發公司。 Bring together the resources of some of the local IT industry's talent in software development.

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