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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. SmartServe Development Ltd. - Providing varies solutions such as computing classroom system; data security; networked PC monitor and management; office automation; PC protection; as well as CCTV surveillance.
  2. Bloombase Technologies; 博隆科技 - Provides enterprise application integration and electronic data interchange to secure and accelerate information exchange.
  3. Digitkey Data Security Ltd.; 數鍵通數據安全有限公司 - Offers strong two-factor authentication security solution for e-banking, remote access & LAN.
  4. HiTRUST.COM (HK) Inc., Ltd.; 網際威信(香港)有限公司 - 提供個人、伺服器SSL數碼憑證之電子認證及互聯網安全服務.
  5. SSP1 - Offers computer forensic training to help in combat against internal and external computer crime.
  6. Norman Data Defense Systems; Norman 數據安全軟件 - Provides products for virus control, personal firewall, encryption, data recovery and certified data erasure.
  7. SecuriTech Solutions (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 匯盈科技(香港)有限公司 - Provides information security services and products, antivirus solutions, firewall/VPN solutions, secure infrastructure solutions, management and maintenance service.
  8. GatewayKeeper - 提供企業資訊安全產品,功能包括防止資料外洩,資訊監控,外洩舉証等。
  9. Doctor A Security Systems (HK) Ltd.; 艾博士安全系統(香港)有限公司 - Services include monitoring, audit, host instrusion detection, log analysis solutions, etc..
  10. Unicorn Tech & Network Ltd.; 駿駒香港有限公司 - 提供通訊網絡及網絡保安系統解決方案,防火牆UTM安裝設計及維護。
  11. Horizon Systems Ltd. - Provides Digipass tokens, servers and tookits.

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