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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Reflex Magnetics - China & Hong Kong Distributor - Provides security software solutions used by military and government institutions for anti-virus protection, PC and LAN network access management, system and program security, anti-theft encrypted data storage.
  2. ScreenLock - keeps kids, co-workers and other people out of your computer. . 當電腦使用者暫時離開時,可籍著密碼防止其他人使用電腦的工具程式軟件.
  3. Outlook password recovery key - 可解 Outlook 及 Exchange 郵件的密碼.
  4. Satan
  5. Apposite Solution - Hong Kong Reseller for Kerio - 提供internet網路安全軟體。
  6. AVG Anti-Virus - Official distributor and a reseller of AVG Anti-Virus products in China mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
  7. Apposite Solution - Hong Kong Reseller for E-Lock - 提供數位驗證產品,適用於Microsoft Office 及Adobe Acrobat PDF文件。

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