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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Beez Network Company; 凝想網絡公司 - Provides marketing solutions with the aid of information technology.
  2. Concord Information Technology International Ltd.; 駿科科技發展國際有限公司 - 服務範圍包括電腦維修、軟硬件安裝、伺服器設置及維護、清理病毒、寬頻共享、網絡鋪設、程式設計、技術支援、軟件開發、上門維修等。
  3. Global Solutions Co. - Provides SMEs corporate Intranete-application, e-business solutions, web design & hosting, hardware & networking, IT consultancy sercices.
  4. Monitoring Solutions Ltd.; 監察科技有限公司 - 核心開發產品用作監察公司內部各部門的運作狀況及反映各個項目計劃的真實進度與管理團隊,達致改善公司運作流程、節省資源、儘早發現錯誤並糾正的目的。
  5. Advanced Eenterprise Solutions Integrated(AESI) Ltd. - Provides IT staff secondment and contracting, IT outsourcing, information technology consulting, systems development and implementation, systems integration and hardware procurement, software development, and workflow optimization.
  6. COL Ltd. - computer services company providing information management services
  7. lucier IT Consulting Service; lucier 資訊科技服務 - 專為中小型企業/機構提供資訊科技、網頁程式編寫及網絡建設服務。
  8. I-Force Design & Marketing Ltd.; 俊科網絡設計市場推開有限公司 - 業務包括, 網頁設計, 市場推廣方案, 線上廣告設計, 搜尋器排位強化服務.
  9. Intimex Business Solutions Co. Ltd. - IBS is an enterprise information techonlogy solution provider, offer knowledge and document management systems, unified messaging solutions and Internet/Intranet security solutions.
  10. Binary Consultants Limited - computer consultation company, providing solutions in office computing application
  11. CISD Ltd. - A system integrator providing a range of services including system development and network solutions based on Microsoft Windows NT or Novell PC-LAN environment.
  12. DeltaPath Commerce & Technology Ltd.; 德基商業科技有限公司 - A Linux I.T. technology provider and market communication company in Hong Kong with operations in US and UK. 德基商業科技有限公司使用Linux技術提供I.T.基建建設及保養、VPN、網絡保安、網頁設計、I.T.市場推廣服務及採購服務。
  13. Expert Fair Ltd. - Including hardware setup/trouble-shoot, software support/training, tailor made system, PC LAN/WAN maintenance, office automation etc.
  14. Master Mate Ltd. - A system integration and business solution consultant. 為中小型商業機構提供電腦諮詢服務。
  15. Macro Systems Ltd.; 萬高訊科有限公司 - computing solutions, backup system, security control and anti-virus solution. Solution on Lotus Domino to deliver messaging, applications and on-line collaboration.
  16. Technology Support Ltd - Supplies, installs and configures a range of equipment, and provides hot-line support to your staff to answer computer problems.
  17. Infotec Computing Center; 科匯電腦中心 - 提供電腦技術服務,包括辦公室自動化服務,電腦網絡服務以及國際互聯網顧問服務及電腦銷售服務.
  18. Double-Click Consultants; 德寶電腦顧問 - computer consultant, main business include homepage design, network installation and internet programming design.
  19. Cybervalley Technologies Ltd.; 數碼谷科技有限公司 - DacEasy 會計系統, e-Distribution商業系統, EasyTrade貿易系統, 希望電腦書店, 網頁設計.
  20. Excellent Services Workshop; 以勒工作室 - 為工商業及消費者提供電腦技術支援、組裝電腦、網上零售服務、二手市場買賣服務。
  21. Systems Scanning Ltd.; 掃描系統有限公司 - a software and hardware systems integration solution provider, specialize in providing 3rd Party Logistics(3PL WMS) batch and/or radio frequency-based warehouse management and palm computing and offer an extensive range of bar code related solutions; products and services target companies providing web selling and e-commerce, transforming from traditional warehouses to 3rd party logistics work-flows; offer transportation, distribution or shop floor data collection (in manufacturing factories) services, especially those participating in supply chain management. 專門提供與條碼有關的軟件,各類型掃描器,打印機,檢測器等,以及系統方案。
  22. Cybertech Solutions Ltd. - provider of strategic information technology consulting, development, implementation, web design and web hosting services.
  23. Hang Tat Computer System Company; 鏗達電腦系統公司 - We provide server and workstation maintainance, data backup and recovery solution, internet, data, printer sharing solution.
  24. Uog Ltd.; 匯峻電腦 - Products include servers, consumable supplies. Services include software development, installation, network consulting solutions for internal networks, LANs and WANs and client/server environments. 提供電腦的顧問服務、軟件設計、網絡設計及安裝、硬件保養維修、網絡接駁工程、網頁寄存及網頁設計等服務。
  25. AMI Power Ltd. - Services include computer room engineering services, availability and security solutions.
  26. Carbonik (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 加邦力(香港)有限公司 - Provides consultancy, IT development and outsourcing services to SMEs in the Asia Pacific Region.
  27. Armlabs Solution Company - 提供電子零件代購、TAOBAO代購、電子方案,深圳集運,大陸團購。
  28. Ceron Digital Engineering; 思朗數碼工程 - 提供電腦顧問、技術支援、伺服器系統安裝及管理、電腦零售批發、軟件及網頁開發、網絡工程等服務。
  29. BA Consulting (Hong Kong) Ltd. - a team of IT professionals focusing on application development and enterprise networking. Besides serving SMEs, we are familiar with the operational needs of financial and investment houses. We also have experience in logistics and transportation businesses.
  30. Tian Di Web Ltd.; 天地網有限公司 - 主要業務包括網頁設計、網上監察及視象會議及資訊科技外判工作,如系統維護等。 Main business includes web design, web monitoring, video conferencing and other I.T. outsourcing jobs such as computer maintenance.
  31. ITA Solution - 提供程式編寫、系統開發、程式設計服務,亦為客戶提供程式相關伺服器及網絡方案僱問服務。
  32. Richtech Systems Company; 匯智系統公司 - 提供系統整合、網絡設置、電子商務方案、電腦顧問等服務。 Provides domain registration, web hosting, IT consultancy, server and PC maintenance, CCTV, IT integration services.
  33. Remarkable Services Co. Ltd.; 朗藝科技 - 提供架設公司網頁、電腦支援服務、網路設計工程、商品攝影、宴會錄影、杜比多聲道DVD製作等。
  34. SilverTec Digital System; 宏鋒電腦系統 - 提供電腦網絡架設、無線網絡、寬頻分享、公司廣告及形象設計、電腦添置、電腦升級、影片剪接及製作、教學軟件、緊急維修、病毒清除、動態網頁設計。
  35. Blackomes Information Technology Company; 訊網創建資訊科技公司 - 提供網頁設計、資料庫設計、客戶管理系統、CRM、電腦維修、資料科技、網路工程、電子商貿等服務。
  36. B+ Technology Company - 提供電腦零售、網絡工程、清除病毒、電腦升級、軟件設計及安裝、維護、系統規劃、網路架設及維護、電腦技術支援等服務。
  37. Netsurf Systems Ltd.; 力訊系統有限公司 - IT service provider, provide server and desktop virtualization, Active Directory migration, messaging, and clustering services.

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