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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 4U STUFF Company (4ustuff.com); 惠利公司 - Products include PDA accessories, bluetooth, GPS, iPod accessories, mobile accessories, etc..
  2. Computer product catalog - includes brief introduction of computer products and characteristic, include mouse, monitor, motherboard and notebooks..
  3. ComputerShop; 腦店 - Online shopping mall that offers a selection of brand name computer related services and products, including information, shopping directory, customer service, Chinese magazine subscription. 網上電腦專門店,提供電腦軟硬件產品服務選擇,並有熱賣產品、購物指南、客戶服務、雜誌訂閱、特惠區以及人才招聘等資訊。
  4. Carford Online Shop; 嘉豐網上商店 - 為一間網上直銷店, 貨品包括: 美容產品, 小電器系列, 運動及健美用品.

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