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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Arontac Systems Ltd.; 意信系統有限公司 - 商業、工業電腦應用軟件、方案及系統開發、專案項目管理。 Business, industrial computer application software, soultion and systems development, project management, web hosting.
  2. Gui Ming International Ltd.; 鉅鳴國際有限公司 - 提供軟件設計及開發,在北京及深圳均有開發團隊,開發嵌入式系統、網路應用和桌面程式,為中小企業提供軟件解決方案。
  3. Net-Solve Information; 聯科資訊 - 提供資訊科技解決方案及技術支援服務,以及商用軟體代理和開發服務。
  4. Great Worth International Ltd.; 新廣為國際有限公司 - IT companies in China. Our goals are to promote China software to the world continuously and bring the global software and technologies to the growing Chinese market.
  5. Jaws PDF Technologies - 提供PDF文件製作工具。
  6. Enterprise Consulting Ltd. - ECL ERP Guru; 易思顧問有限公司 - Services include IFS implementation, Oracle e-business suite implementation and APICS training.
  7. Synexsys Inventory - Provides IT asset tracking software that performs automated tasks like network audit, PC hardware inventory and software license audit.
  8. Elegant Technologies Ltd.; 雅宜科技 - 從事網絡軟件開發及編寫、並提供網頁設計, 網上數據庫, 網上互動軟件. XML 及 Lotus Domino 軟件開發. Provides interactive web page design, web database, XML and Lotus Domino programming.

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