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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Yui Kee Company Ltd. - dealer of computer software and foodstuffs.
  2. Software Market; 軟件天下 - Software reseller include Microsoft Windows XP, office, Accpac, QuickBooks Pro, Peachtree accounting, SPSS statistics, photoshop, autoCAD, Corel Draw, dreamweaver and web design,, novell netware, lotus dominio, and norton.
  3. Software 1; 壹網絡 - 軟體推薦給大家。
  4. OnlyONE Computer Workshop Co.; 唯一電腦工作室公司 - Computer, software, hardware, printer, laptop, Peachtree Accounting, Norton Anti Virus 2002, Adobe PhotoShop 7.0, HP officejet k80, HP Laser Jet 2200d,3Com® OfficeConnect® Switch ,IBM THINKPAD X23 PIII-M800. With web hosting service.

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