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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Hua Qiao University Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd.; 華僑大學香港校友會 - 同學錄、校友故事、母校現況及組織章桯等內容。
  2. Warwick Graduates' Association Hong Kong (WGAHK); 英國華威大學香港同學會 - 含Warwick大學相關資訊、同學會現況、活動等資訊。
  3. Rowing Team Alumni Association
  4. Soochow University Alumni (HK) Association; 東吳大學香港校友會 - 以聯繫台灣東吳大學在港校友為宗旨.
  5. HKUST Physics Alumni Association; 香港科技大學物理系校友會
  6. The BBA Alumni Association of The Chineses University of Hong Kong; 香港中文大學工商管理學院本科生校友會 - Includes memorandum and articles, council members, enrolment, activities, directory of alumni, etc..
  7. Cambridge University Alumni Club; 劍橋大學校友會 - Includes reunion event announcement, job search.
  8. Hong Kong Baptist University Religion and Philosophy Alumni Association; 香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系校友會 - 含消息、介紹、活動花絮等。
  9. Hong Kong Texas Exes - Group of alumni of the University of Texas at Austin from Hong Kong and/or residing in Hong Kong. The official Hong Kong chapter of Texas Exes as recognized by the International Alumni Office of the Ex-Students' Association.

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