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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. CCC Kei To Secondary School; 中華基督教會基道中學 - 位於九龍城庇利街。
  2. Diocesan Boys' School; 拔萃男書院 - including school history, music, sports, class photos, clubs etc.
  3. La Salle College; 喇沙書院 - Include staff and students information, achievements, school plans etc.
  4. Maryknoll Convent School; 瑪利諾書院 - Contains information, school song, subjects offered, student association & clubs.
  5. Ying Wa College; 英華書院 - 英華書院官方網頁.
  6. King George V School; 佐治五世學校 - Includes prospectus, sports, staff, alumni, events calendar etc..
  7. Tang King Po School; 鄧鏡波學校 - a Catholic Salesian Boys' Secondary School, maintained by Tang King Po School Association of Don Bosco Past Pupils.
  8. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College; 基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學 - School history, educational resources, extra activity. 學校簡介、開設課程及課外活動。
  9. Pentecostal School; 五旬節中學 - official homepage of Pentecostal School.
  10. New Method College; 新法書院 - 學校簡介、資訊、設施介紹、聯絡資料。School news and information, facilities and contact information.
  11. Carmel Secondary School; 迦密中學 - 以資訊科技輔助教學,五育並重,學生可按興趣及能力選修文、理、商等科目,以培養其穩固的學問基礎及健全的人格。
  12. S.K.H. Holy Trinity Church Secondary School (SKHHTCSS); 聖公會聖三一堂中學資訊網 - 介紹學校的歷史、校訓等。
  13. Wa Ying College (Official Web Site) Webmaster: Caleb Woo; 華英中學官方網站 - Curriculum, alumni association, teachers' emails, art shows, students' web pages, clubs and societies.
  14. St. Teresa Secondary School; 德藺中學 - 含學校簡介、圖書館、課外活動、科目網頁、校園通訊等。
  15. Chan Shu Kui Memorial School (CSKMS); 陳樹渠紀念中學 - about the school with student photos.
  16. Kowloon True Light Middle School; 九龍真光中學 - 包含校史、校園剪影、中四級社及文理科介紹。
  17. CCC Kei To Secondary School; 中華基督教會基道中學 - 政府資助的全日制男女中學,位於土瓜灣崇安街。
  18. Jockey Club Government Secondary School; 賽馬會官立中學 - 政府管理全日制中學,以母語為教學語言,有學校資料、學會、月刊、消娛等介紹。
  19. Homantin Government Secondary School; 何文田官立中學 - 學校簡介、 課程、 設施、 課外活動、 畢業生升學及就業情況。

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