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主目錄 : 教育 : 大專/大學 : 香港中文大學 :


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Faculty of Arts-中大文學院 (10)
Faculty of Business Administration-工商管理學院 (6)
Faculty of Education-中大教育學院 (2)
Faculty of Engineering-中大工程學院 (6)
Faculty of Medicine-中大醫學院 (10)
Faculty of Science-中大理學院 (9)
Faculty of Social Science-中大社會科學院 (8)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Chinese University of Hong Kong ; 香港中文大學 - includes college profiles, libraries & museums, campus map etc.
  2. Chinese University of Hong Kong - Research Institute of the Humanities; 人文學科研究所 - specialises in meta-indicing humanities resources worldwide and develop texts, tools and pages covering various interests in the humanistic scholarship.
  3. Physical Education Unit; 香港中文大學體育部 - affiliated with the Faculty of Education, the mission is to develop students' basic skills in sports through the offering of required courses, to promote students' interest and active participation in sports, thereby enhancing their spirit of co-operation.
  4. Polymer and Colloid Laboratory - laser light scattering lab.

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