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主目錄 : 教育 : 大專/大學 : 香港大學 : 港大學院學系 :


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Home : Education : Tertiary Schools : HKU : Departments :

Faculty of Social Science

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  1. Department of Social Work & Social Administration; 香港大學-社會工作及社會行政學系 - Includes events, research, study programmes, etc..
  2. School of Economics & Finance
  3. Department of Psychology; 心理學系
  4. Sau Po Centre on Ageing; 秀圃老年研究中心 - focuses on enhancing the quality of life of older adults through multi-disciplinary collaboration in gerontology research, education, and policy advocacy.
  5. Department of Sociology; 社會學系
  6. Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science; 統計及精算學系
  7. Department of Politics & Public Administration; 政治與公共行政學系

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