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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Lady Ho Tung Hall; 何東夫人紀念堂 - Includes hall life, sports, cultural, SSGSSU, sub-committee, floors, activities, SA, staff, graduate's association.
  2. Simon K.Y. Lee Hall; 李國賢堂
  3. Ricci Hall, The University of Hong Kong
  4. Wei Lun Hall; 偉倫堂 - introduce students' association, sports, culture, floors.
  5. Lady Ho Tung Hall; 香港大學何東女宿舍 - 內有該宿舍的簡史及規則介紹。
  6. Swire Hall; 太古堂 - includes announcement, hall tour, activities, sports, Exco and alumni information.
  7. Duchess of Kent Hall; 根德公爵夫人堂會 - Founded in 1953, is the first female non-residential hall in the University of Hong Kong.
  8. Hornell Hall; 康寧堂 - 內有該宿舍的活動、規則及簡史。
  9. R.C. Lee Hall - 介紹學校設施、體育活動及業餘娛樂等。
  10. St. John's College - Founded at 1912, St. John's College is the first residential hall in Hong Kong University.
  11. The University Hall; 大學堂宿舍 - Please Visit our Castle!

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