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Wong Jing-王晶 (0)
Wong Kar Wai-王家衛 (1)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Joe Ma's Frames; 馬偉豪電影畫格 - 含香港導演馬偉豪個人簡介、電影作年表、訪問等。
  2. Herman Yau Hong Kong Movie Director; 邱禮濤 - Movie director who directed the untold story, taxi hunter, war of the under World, walk In and the troublesome night series, etc. 香港導演,曾執導八仙飯店之人肉叉燒飽、的士判官、洪興仔之江湖大風暴、奪舍和陰陽路系列等。
  3. A Free Man In Hong Kong - the other side of Chow Yun-Fat - devoted to the works of the actor Chow Yun-Fat. Film reviews images sorted by film title are featured.
  4. What's this Wong Kar Wai
  5. Legendary Stunt Actor / Film Director - Ridley Tsui Bo Wah; 徐寶華 - 當代電影特技專家及國際知名導演 - 含個人簡介、電影簡介、拍片花絮等。

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