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Composers-作曲家/作詞家 (6)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Hanjin Tan; 陳奐仁 - Provide Hanjin Tan information including albums, news and video.
  2. Hong Kong Philharmonic Society; 香港管弦樂團 - 昂然踏進 第二十三個職業樂季,並以香港文化中心為其基地。 香港管弦樂團是 本港唯一的職業交響樂團,演出非常頻密。 Now in its 23rd season as a fully professional body, she makes its permanent home in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. As the only fully professional symphony orchestra in HK, she maintains a busy schedule, giving over 100 concerts each season, including regular subscription series.
  3. Hong Kong Juvenile & Youth Chinese Classical Orchestra; 香港青少年國樂團 - 香港一業餘中樂團樂團,至今演出超過一百三十多場,及多次海外演出經驗! 內容: 中國樂器介紹,團員資料
  4. Sunny Club; 胡朋琴友 - 二胡演奏家黃晨達個人網站
  5. 567 HK singers' sites' links; 567 歌星網頁連結特區 - 香港歌星網站連結

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