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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Digital Media Technology Co., Ltd.; 傳新科技有限公司 - DMT is a consulting company that specializes in designing, installing and commissioning various kinds of broadcasting products, multimedia systems, Internet broadcast applications and system integration. DMT is involved in various areas of sound systems ranging from public address, sound reinforcement systems for hall, stadium and karaoke clubs to professional commercial recording studio, film and broadcast TV post production studios and radio on-air systems. DMT distributes the following products: Solid State Logic, Digidesign Protools, Sonic Solutions, Waves, Soundtracs, Audio Design etc.
  2. DVD playman; DVD Playman 玩家 - DVD playman content, radio musicman, radio republic, etc.
  3. VOD Karaoke System; 卡拉System - VOD 2000是一套全自動卡拉OK點播系統﹒全電腦數碼運行﹐無機械設備及無人操作﹐其系統大概原理是將所有卡拉OK歌曲的畫面及音樂經過特殊技術壓縮轉換為最新視像制式MPEG-I(VCD格式)或MPEG-II(DVD格式)把資料濃縮到最小文件檔案並儲存在中央電腦(伺服器)內﹐客人從房間電腦點選歌曲後﹐歌曲信號迅速由中央電腦輸出﹐以高速以太網式(一條超五類電腦雙絞線)傳送到房間電腦上解壓轉換為正常視頻(與 S-Video)和立體音頻信號﹐送到電視和卡拉OK混音擴大器﹒
  4. Sound Mechanics; 聲美力 - 提供音響產品及音響醫療室,幫助發燒友,提高及調節音響功能。

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