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Currency Exchange

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Exchange Shop-外幣找換店 (3)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 香港外匯狙擊網 - 內容包括保證金外匯, 投資, 風險管理, 價格及損益計算等.
  2. chinesefn.com; 中文財經網 - 提供24小時外匯新聞和行情分析報道﹐免費即時報價和技術圖形分析, 同時為投資人提供網上交易平臺和模擬操作。
  3. Phi Capital Management; Phi外匯資金管理中心 - Provides real-time execution, charts, quotes and online trading. 提供線上貨幣交易、交易運作、圖表及報價。
  4. Currency Exchange Led Rate Board - Long Mark Optoelectronics makes led components and led signs in China, offers led products. Products include currency exchange led rate board, multi-color led signs, multi-line led message board...
  5. Forex Hall; 創匯堂 - 提供外匯買賣論壇、匯市資訊、消息評論、走勢分析討論。

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