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Venture Capital

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Asian Venture Capital Journal - the premier source of news, data, trends, and analysis for the Asian private equity market.
  2. Venture Capital Access Online - The venture capital marketplace for linking entrepreneurs seeking to raise capital and venture capital/private equity investors seeking investment opportunities. The link between entrepreneurs and investors.
  3. LF Venture - A consumer products trading company, offering investments for consumer product companies including the fashion, houseware, and toy industries.
  4. techpacific.com - a venture capital company.
  5. VCFirm.com - Venture Capital Firm - Financing e-commerce in Asia- private equity investment venture capital firm specializing Asian based or targeted businesses.
  6. i-ncubate Ltd. - 專門投資及協助剛起步的互聯網公司發展,範圍包括資金籌集、策略計劃、人士網絡及公司管理等。
  7. E1 Media Technology Ltd. - 目標是推動本地以至全球互聯網事業,矢志成為發展及提供有關互聯網、多媒體、寬頻服務及電子商貿科技應用的翹楚。
  8. First Asia Finance Group Ltd.; 第一亞洲金融集團有限公司 - Provides corporate finance services such as Initial Public Offering(IPO), mergers and acquisitions, direct investment, and financial advisory.

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