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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. mReferral; 經絡集團(香港)有限公司 - 與銀行及金融機構聯繫,為置業者提供按揭轉介服務並協助挑選按揭組合。
  2. Cushman & Wakefield Asia - Global real estate advisors, providing advisory/research services, corporate services...
  3. Pacific Properties Corporates Services - Provide property management services include rental collection, maintenance and renovation.
  4. Firhill Ltd. - offering relocation advice and information, orientation on arrival, and real estate services.
  5. DTZworld.com - Provides services including online property valuation, service apartment reservation, sales and lettings, investment, property management and development consultancy in Asia.
  6. RHL International Property Consultants; 永利行國際物業顧問集團 - Asset appraisal, real estate development consultancy and valuation, investment feasibility study in PRC including Hong Kong SAR. 中港房地產項目發展策劃及諮詢、評估、投資顧問、中介及香港地政房屋問題諮詢服務。
  7. Merryshine Surveyors Ltd. - MSL is a multi-displine real estate consultants firm, providing services in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
  8. Lawson David & Sung Surveyors Ltd.; 羅迅測計師行 - Services include property valuations, town planning and development, land administration and acquistion, property agenct and auctions, property and project managment, property market analysis and china development.
  9. First Property Agency Ltd.; 第一不動產 - 為日本租賃顧問。
  10. Cyber Agent - 提供數碼港、貝沙灣的資料。
  11. PWL Surveyors Ltd.; 磐林基業測量師行有限公司 - 提供工程顧問服務。

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