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Office Space

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 萊斯物業 - 工商物業理想物業代理。
  2. HK Commercial Properties Centaline Property Agency Ltd.; 中原地產香港商業樓宇 - 商業物業資料, 可隨意選擇地點, 景觀, 預算等.
  3. Office18; 十八工商 - 提供香港舖位、寫字樓、工貿大廈租務及買賣搜尋,並有田土廳查冊、清潔、搬運等資訊。 Provides searching function for buying, selling & leasing shops, offices & industrial buildings. Also offers land searching, cleaning & moving services.
  4. Cheung Kong Center; 長江集團中心 - Offers office space with some column-free floors, and provides advanced technology and telecommunication systems to clients.
  5. Hong Kong International Finance Centre (IFC); 國際金融中心 - 介紹國際金融中心的辦公室大樓、商場、四季酒店以及服務式住宅之特色、背景、相片。 Includes features, background, photos and media information of the International Finance Centre development.
  6. Levi Land Development Ltd.; 利偉地產發展有限公司 - 從事地產發展、工商業、地舖租售及商務中心。
  7. Eastern Realty Company; 東達行物業代理公司 - 專業代理工貿,廠房,寫字樓及住宅物業
  8. Colliers International Local Offices - 代理商廈及廠房。
  9. Hong Kong Business Centres - offers furnished, staffed, equipped and immediate office with flexible lease term and space, maintain a list of business centres located at various commercial buildings at major business districts in Hong Kong.

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