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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. HOHOJO; 好好租 - 提供租務資訊的網站,發揮網上資訊科技的效益,助你好好管理物業租務。
  2. 麥當勞道二號 - 位於港島中半山,含設施介紹及租賃資料。
  3. Residences & Relocations Ltd. - Offers residential, commercial leasing, sales markets, relocation and orientation services to meet the specific needs of new expatriate relocating to Hong Kong. 專為新移民而設的地產網頁。
  4. Land & Fortune Realty Ltd; 利福行租務有限公司 - Hong Kong based property agency specializes in relocation and residential leasing services.
  5. KHI Management Ltd.; 廣興管理有限公司 - Provision of information regarding properties of the company group including residential premises and office spaces for lease.
  6. Homepartner Property Agency Ltd. - To ensure that newcomers moving to Hong Kong experience a smooth transition into their new lives. Our agents have in-depth understanding of the Hong Kong property market to fulfill Client's needs.

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