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Service Apartment

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IELTS 幾分?15分鐘即測, 想知自己 IELTS 英文水平 ? Wall Street 幫你免費測試,立即參加。
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees; 8度海逸酒店 - 提供服務式套房,備有小廚房。可免費使用酒店健身中心,室外游泳池及往來多個港鐵站的酒店穿梭巴士。
  2. Homey Serviced Apartment - Provide you a furnished, comfortable and convenience place to live.
  3. Ice House - Serviced apartments, located in Central, for both long term and short term lease.
  4. Domus Serviced Apartment - 於天后、薄扶林、上環均有單棟式服務式住宅,鄰近地鐵站,交通方便,時尚設計連雅致傢俱。
  5. 338 Apartment - 提供位於中環338號皇后大道中的服務式住宅,有一至兩房間套房,設有網上預訂服務及優惠介紹。 Provides fully serviced apartments located at 338 Queen’s Road Central with online room booking service.
  6. Newton Inn North Point; 北角麗東軒 - 多用途酒店服務式住宅提供不同選擇,鄰近北角地鐵站,泳池及健身設施齊備,高層享有海景。
  7. Manhattan Heights Service Apartment; 高逸華軒酒店式服務住宅 - 提供酒店式服務, 海景及山景示範單位, 網上租賃. Service apartment with hotel servcie, showroom including seaview and mountain view.
  8. Gateway Apartments-luxe service apartments; 港威豪庭 - 酒店式服務服務住宅,含設備及不同單位的平面介紹。 Gateway apartments, deluxe studio to 3 bedroom service apartments in Kowloon, Hong Kong with stunning views of the harbour, luxurious furnishings and exclusive fitness facilities.
  9. Convention Plaza Apartments; 會景閣 - Provides information such as facilities, services and room types.
  10. The Bauhinia; 寶軒 - Provides furnished apartments in Sheung Wan.
  11. Hong Kong Serviced Apartments - Directory, reviews and contact information of serviced apartments in Hong Kong.
  12. Excellent Court; 拔萃豪庭 - 位於佐敦長樂街,有設施及服務介紹。

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