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Valuation and Surveying

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. RHL International Property Consultants; 永利行國際物業顧問集團 - 中國房地產諮詢、評估、仲介及相關服務。另有市場評論及分析等。 PRC property consultancy, valuation, agency, market research and analysis.
  2. Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors; 香港測量師學會 - information on H.K.I.S, news, the surveying profession, surveying company list, announcements, publication, library and souvenir for sale, etc.
  3. The Hong Kong Institute of Engineering Surveyors 香港工程測量師學會
  4. RHL Appraisal com; 永利行評值顧問有限公司 - Real estate valuation and development consultancy, asset appraisal: hotel, infrastructure project, plan & machinery etc in PRC including Hong Kong SAR for public listing and finance purposes. 房地產、酒店、基建項目、機械設備等評值報告供上市、融資、收購合併等目的。
  5. Infrared Diagnostic Service Co.s; 熱能探測分析公司 - 服務包括漏水檢查、漏水探測、紅外線探測、大廈檢測、樓宇測量、熱能探測分析、防水工程探測、漏水索償顧問、熱能探測分析師、滲漏測試、喉管滲漏定位、隱藏喉管顯示、探測喉管位置追蹤。 Service includes water leakage, infrared survey, infrared thermography, level II Infrared thermographer, leak test, leakage & seepage survey, hidden pipe imaging, water leakage detection, water leakage detector, building survey, electrical survey, waterproofing works commissioning & test.
  6. Wong Man Hong Surveyors Ltd.; 黃文康測量師有限公司 - Services include building design, maintance, licensing, condition survey, expert witness, valuation, property agency. 服務包括樓宇設計、保養、維修、牌照申請、樓宇勘察、見證人、物業估價、物業代理等。
  7. 鄧氏測量師有限公司 - 水文測量、大地及地形測量、以及地籍測量服務。
  8. DNL Optoelec System Ltd. - 為建築外牆、房頂和低電壓設備提供紅外線檢查服務,含檢查報告。
  9. ADvice Surveyors Ltd.; 策略測量師行有限公司 - Services includes valuation of landed property, intangible assets, plant and machinery, estate agency and international property consultancy.
  10. J.R. West (Hong Kong) Ltd. - Services includes comprehensive service to receivers and liquidators, valuation for loan and mortgage purposes, disposal by auction, tender and private treaty, valuation for company accounts and financial statement, insurance valuation and loss assessment, valuation for Merger, acquisition and takeover defence, document storage & sice clearance after sale, surplus recovery.

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