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  1. StockBookkeeper; 獲利知多少 - 提供股票記帳與投報率分析圖、SBK排行榜、盤後報價等功能的股票記帳軟體。
  2. Asiaprice Financial Application Ltd.; 亞匯金融咨詢有限公司 - Specialized in financial applications, BSS, OG, market making systems, MRP, networking.
  3. Asia Remix; 星移亞洲 - Offers real estate, property management software solution, building, facility management IT soultion, REIT analysis, business intelligence, OLAP analysis, system implementation and consulting. 提供物業管理軟件、商業智能分析、電腦軟件及網上系統、科技方案策劃及項目管理。
  4. Waken Stock; 紅衫仔股票系統 - 香港股票、圖表分析軟件。
  5. Cheetah Information and Systems Ltd.; 捷達資訊系統有限公司 - Provides charting software, such as Metastock, SuperChart, Parity, Parity Plus, Advanced Get, TradeStation, Trading Solutions, FreeChart.

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