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Fruit-水果 (6)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Hong Kong Flour Mills Ltd; 香港麵粉廠有限公司 - a manufacturer, exporter and distributor of wheat flours, pre-mix flours, brans, margarine and other food products. Its flour mills – Shekou Lam Soon Flour Co Ltd is located at Guangdong, China. 生產, 出口, 分銷各類專用麵粉, 通用面粉, 油脂等產品.
  2. The Golden Resources Group; 金源米業集團 - rice wholesaler and distributor. 銷售各類大米。
  3. Bill's food Factory Ltd.; 標記食品廠有限公司 - 專營魚旦、丸類及潮式滷水食品。
  4. Itohwen And Company Ltd.; 伊藤文有限公司 - Produces mushroom, fruit, vegetable, foodstuffs in frozen, dried, brine and canned.
  5. OrganiVerde Farms Ltd.; 亞聯有機農莊有限公司 - Supplies organically grown vegetables and fruits.

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