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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Drug Education Resources Centre, The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong; 香港醫院藥劑師學會 藥物教育資源中心 - 向市民及病人提供藥物教育訊息、病症簡介、一般醫療常識等。 Provides drug education, information on diseases and conditions, and general medical knowledge to patients and the public.
  2. Unicorn Laboratories; 麒麟藥廠 - 主要從事生產、品質管理並向藥房、診所批發藥物。已獲得GMP質量體系認證。
  3. Hinry Pharmaceuticals Ltd; 興利藥業有限公司 - Supplier of bulk pharmaceuticals, chemicals and intermediaces. 一家藥品原材料、化學物及中介物的供應商。
  4. GlaxoSmithKline Hong Kong Web Site; 葛蘭素史克 - 銷售抗敏感藥, 哮喘藥, 抗生素等.
  5. Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; 輝凌製藥有限公司 - 提供夜尿症、夜遺尿、子宮內膜異位、早產及不育等相關資料及治療藥物。
  6. Quality Pharmaceutical Laboratory Ltd.; 嘉琳製藥廠有限公司 - 研製片劑、膠囊製劑、水劑及膏類西藥,並提供產品介紹及相關資訊。
  7. Hysan Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.; 香港海山堂藥業有限公司 - Products include Hua Tuo medicated plaster, medicated oil, pill box, pill reminder, effervescent vit C, vitamin C 100mg, suifan's kwang tze solution, monkey holding peach balm, golden lilly, takabb anti-cough pill.
  8. Organon (HK) Ltd.; 歐家農(香港)有限公司 - 提供避孕、不育症、男女更年期治療、精神科及麻醉科藥物資料和相關疾病資訊。
  9. Natural Life International Ltd.; 自然生活國際有限公司 - 售賣金裝濃縮烏骨雞蛋黑酢和活力美精華丸,對糖尿、血糖、血壓、肥胖、濕疹、更年期、風濕關節痛有幫助。
  10. 999 Sanjiu Treasure Pharmaceutical Registration Consultants Ltd.; 三九綠寶醫藥註冊顧問有限公司 - 代辨香港中成藥註冊、國內外中西藥品、保健產品、醫療用品、來料加工、生產、註冊。 Provides registration services for Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) products, herbal drugs and western medicine.
  11. Health Paradise; 健康樂園 - 分享健康知識和經驗。
  12. Herbaltech Yunzhi; 康寶雲芝精華 - a medicinal mushroom also known as Coriolus Versicolor. Of all the medicinal mushrooms used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is most studied by modern scientists (more than 400 published studies), yet is the least known outside of China and Japan. It is only recently that the world has become aware of the immuno-modulating properties of Yunzhi.

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