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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Clinicsmart; 智能診所 - 專為門診而設計的電腦軟件,令醫療界擁有一套管理工具,有系統的病歷記錄和藥物標簽。
  2. MedicSys @ AOC International; Medicsys @ 楨溢國際 - 提供診所管理系統。
  3. Dr. 2005 Clinic Automation System; Dr. 2005 電子診所系統 - Patient medical records clinic software. Features includes consultation history, drug allergies, letters, drug labels, appointments, reports, etc..
  4. Keen Action Consulting Limited; 源動企劃有限公司 - A comprehensive clinic management system cope with the daily operations. The information maintained are also important for a better planning of the business.

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