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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 谷鬼氣 - 除每月刊出 多個 打工仔不平檔案外, 特設讀者來信
  2. 呃波士必備 - 專為在公司裡, 偷偷上網的員工而設, 內裡提供數款 Window Software 的假圖片, 方便你在看網頁時, 老闆突然站在你面前
  3. i-CABLE Lifestyle News ; 有線寬頻消閒生活篇 - 消閒生活資訊。潮流快訊、飲和食德及健康美容。
  4. 絕對廢柴辦公室技巧 - 每日介紹不同的廢柴奇技, 可用於公司上, 特設參考書訂閱
  5. 生活百事通 - 一個提供家居及健康常識,為你解決工作,生活上疑難的網頁
  6. The American Club Hong Kong - offers members a wealth of business and social benefits in inviting and friendly environments at our city and country locations. Members can enjoy the facilities of both our town club in the heart of the financial district, and the country club at Tai Tam.
  7. Friends Club; 網上之友 - friends finder 交友
  8. AboutU.com; 偷閒加油站 - 暢所欲言的地方, 內容包括至激言論, 打工血淚, 文人雅士, 學生特區等.
  9. ZePortal.com; 斯杜網絡 - Includes cultural events, shows, jazz, restaurants, wine, health, fitness, travel information etc. 包括文娛活動至另類旅遊。

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