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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 南華傳媒有限公司 - 有雜誌介紹及訂閱服務。旗下雜誌有南華傳媒, South China Media, SCM, 快周刊, 3周刊, Jessicacode, HIM Collections, 車王, CarPlus, Carplus, 兒童快報, 兒童快報月刊, 雪糕新地, Marie Claire, Esquire, 君子雜誌, 味道Lisa, Capital, 資本雜誌, Jessica, Penthouse, 閣樓雜誌, B International, HIM。
  2. Pop Art Producstion Company; 博藝出版社 - 出版攝影雜誌、寵物閑情和親子雜誌。
  3. Best Practice Management - Publishes best practice magazine and year book, organize seminars and conferences for middle and senior executives. Provide training and consultancy services.
  4. Typhoon Club; 大風吹 - Bilingual magazine published in Hong Kong for local school children.
  5. Edge Media Ltd.; 正傳媒有限公司 - 出版、印刷、廣告設計、網頁製作及市場服務公司。 Services include publishing, printing, graphic design, web design, and marketing.
  6. Brilliant-Art Advertising Production Ltd. - Publications include Jewellery Review, Watch Review, China Review.

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