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News Agency

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Newsgear; 資訊傳動 - 備有多項分類剪報,整理後經傳真、電郵或速遞送交客戶。更設有網上資料搜集、報告製作、中英文翻譯、及視聽媒體監察服.
  2. The Associated Press; 美聯社 - 世界最大及歷史最久的新聞通訊社。
  3. AFP; 法新社 - 網上世界時事新聞。
  4. News Power news clipping service - offers news clipping & media monitoring service, with a coverage of local/overseas newspapers and magazines. Will source the relevant up-to-date information, or any mentioned company name and/or service.
  5. The Central News Agency HK site; 中央社香港網站 - 即時新聞服務,新聞照片服務及新聞檢索系統。
  6. Reuters; 路透社 - the world's leading financial information and news Group

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