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Land and Housing

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  1. 房屋及規劃地政局常任秘書長(房屋)辦公室 - 業務簡介。
  2. Environment Protection Department; 環境保護署 - 制訂和實行環境保護計計劃, 有噪音, 水質, 空氣, 廢物污染的管制資訊。
  3. Rating and Valuation Department; 差餉物業估價署
  4. Civil Engineering and Development Department; 土木工程拓展署
  5. The Land Registry; 土地註冊處
  6. Planning Department; 規劃署 - 包括本署及有關香港規劃的資料。 contains information about our department and information related to planning matters in Hong Kong.
  7. Buildings Department; 屋宇署 - To make the building environment safe and healthy for our community, contenet includes organisation chart, service for the public, records & publications and plans for the future etc.. 為社會締造安全衛生的建築環境,內容包括組織架構、公眾服務、紀錄及刊物、未來計劃等。
  8. Lands Department; 地政總署
  9. Housing, Planning Lands Bureau; 房屋及規劃地政局 - 負責規劃地政及房屋事務。

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