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  1. Hong Kong Trade Development Council; 香港貿易發展局 - 負責推廣香港的產品, 並吸引外國人來香港投資 The HKTDC website provides instantaneous access to the most up-to-date economic, trade and business information on Hong Kong and China. Source Hong Kong products and suppliers via the HKTDC website.
  2. Hong Kong Productivity Council; 香港生產力促進局 - In assisting Hong Kong companies to move upmarket, HKPC implements a value-adding strategy through People, Process, Product and Partnership development. 為了協助香港公司攀升高附加值階梯,促進局推行一套強調人力資源開發、程序發展、產品發展及夥伴關係的增值策略。
  3. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data; 香港個人資料私隱專員公署
  4. Hong Kong Monetary Authority; 香港金融管理局
  5. Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption; 香港廉政公署 - 介紹反貪污工作
  6. University Grants Committee of Hong Kong
  7. Hong Kong Consumer Council; 香港消費者委員會
  8. Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority; 廣播事務管理局
  9. Occupational Safety and Health Council; 職業安全健康局
  10. Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation; 香港出口信保險局
  11. Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health; 香港吸煙與健康委員會
  12. Narcotics Division; 禁毒處 - Drug information, anti-drugs strategy, prevention and publicity, treatment and rehabilitation, anti-drugs laws and law enforcement etc.
  13. Council for the AIDS Trust Fund; 愛滋病信託基金委員會 - 對受愛滋病病毒感染的血友病患者提供援助,加強醫療和支援服務,以及加深巿民對愛滋病的認識。
  14. Indoor Air Quality Information Center; 室內空氣質素資訊中心 - 內容包括中心簡介, 最新消息, 室內空氣質素檢定計劃, 常見問題, 刊物.
  15. Hong Kong Civil Servants General Union; 香港公務員總工會 - 香港公務員資訊, 支援寬頻.

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