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Basic Law-基本法 (2)
Dictionaries-法律字典 (3)
Firms-律師行 (57)
Forms-政府表格 (1)
Intellectual Property-智識產權法 (18)
Lawyer-律師 (1)
Magazines-法律雜誌 (3)
Migration-移民顧問/移民法 (10)
Organizations-法律組織/律師組織 (3)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. D-Law - An online legal information database providing case records, dating back to 1990, from main courts of Hong Kong.
  2. Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre - non-profit making organization for dispute resolution
  3. Johnson Stokes & Master - legal news, articlesand services
  4. Asian Legal Briefing - an independent monthly publication devoted to providing serious, in-depth writing on the core issues affection the practise of law in Asia.
  5. LegalStudio - On-line provider of legal products and services. Purchase legal docments for business or personal use. Legal on-line advice. Learn how the law affects your business and personal life.
  6. Carrow's Hong Kong Law Links - A useful compilation of Hong Kong law links assembled by Californian trial lawyer, British barrister.
  7. Commercial, Mediation & Arbitration Services Ltd. (CMA) - applying proficiency to all stages of project execution, from initial drafting of contracts, through ongoing commercial advice, dispute resolution procedures, and provision of expert advice.
  8. HKLawPage.com; 香港法律網 - 包括聘用律師須知、法律知識、常用文件、律師手冊及互動討論等。
  9. Hong Kong Laws Net; 香港法律資訊網 - 提供法律新聞、破產、離婚、勞工法例、刑事法律和中國法律等資訊,以及法律諮詢服務。
  10. Hong Kong Claims Association Ltd.; 香港索償權益協會 - 提供法律資訊予工業及交通意外死傷者之索償機構,特別為有需要之人仕提供意見及免費傷亡賠償評估。
  11. Smith Bernal International - produced transcripts, using trained CAT (computer aided transcript) and RPR reporters, on a number of major litigations both in the UK, throughout Europe and Asia.
  12. 網上法字典 - 常用香港法律注解
  13. 中文公司註冊網 - 有公司註冊、查冊及商標註冊等服務。
  14. HK Laws; 香港法律資訊網 - 提供法律資訊、律師事務所資料、法律書籍。

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