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Political Organizations

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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movement of China; 香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會 (香港支聯會) - 本港民主運動機構之一. 以釋放民運人士、平反八九民運、追究屠城責任、結束一黨專政、建設民主中國為五大工作綱領。 含組織介紹、民運信息及六四事件資料。
  2. Homepage of Emily Lau
  3. Hong Kong Policy Research Institute Ltd.; 香港政策研究所 - Public think-tank, 民間智囊機構
  4. Hong Kong Democratic Foundation 香港民主促進會
  5. Hong Kong Human Rights Commission ; 香港人權聯委會網頁
  6. Hong Kong Public Administration Association; 香港公共行政學會 - content includes, mission and vision, membership, association's activities, conferences and seminars, publications.
  7. One Country Two Systems Research Institute; 一國兩制研究中心 - Organization, research projects, recent activities, list of publications and order form. 機構簡介, 研究課題, 近期活動, 書刊推介.
  8. Hong Kong Federation of Student 專上學生聯會
  9. International Professional Security Association (Hong Kong) Ltd.; 國際專業保安協會 (香港) 有限公司 - Our objectives are to improve the prestige and status of the security industry by: 1. Encouraging scientific and professional practices in the security industry; 2. Promoting ethical conduct, professional standards and continuous professional development; 3. Providing a forum for the exchange of views and information; and 4. Representing and promoting the interests of the members of IPSA(HK) Ltd.
  10. Intellnet; 新思維網絡 - 成員來自不同界別,旨在鼓勵會員及社會人士對中國、香港特別行政區及亞洲地區的社會、政治、文化和經濟問題深入瞭解,並進行交談、討論。
  11. Office of the FTU's Legislative Councillors; 工聯會立法會議員辦事處 - 包括陳婉嫻、梁富華、陳國強的個人簡介,立法會工作匯報,勞資糾紛概覽及網上諮詢勞工法例等.
  12. Action Committe for Defending the Diaoyuislands; 保釣行動委員會 - 民間保釣組織,提供保釣運動圖片、傳媒新聞、中日戰爭歷史、紀錄片、評論等。
  13. IT20聯盟 - 由二十位資訊科技界專業人士組成,涵蓋公營、私營、專上教育界別及專業團體。

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