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IELTS 幾分?15分鐘即測, 想知自己 IELTS 英文水平 ? Wall Street 幫你免費測試,立即參加。
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. 講舊時 - 售賣古董鐘錶。
  2. Unique Vintage Jewelry; 金濤博藏 - 本店希望帶給喜歡古董收藏愛好者一個專業、鑑賞、悠閒的購物地方。
  3. C+plus Collection; 私家寶藏 - 古董、相機、時計、家具拍賣,二手物品、中古物品、道具出租,網上商店。
  4. Berne Horology (TST); 寶鏗古董鐘錶 - Specializes in antique watches & clocks and provides overhaul & repair services. 專營古董錶、古董鐘、古董機械時計、維修鐘錶,提供保養服務。
  5. Dinosaurs @ Fossils Collection; 恐龍@化石專門店 - 有恐龍、魚、三葉虫等化石和隕石銷售。
  6. Yi Ming Tang Antique Company; 壹明堂 - 專營近現代中國書畫真跡、明、清時期竹刻精品、木刻人像以及文玩(如璽印、古玉、白玉、案頭擺設等)。 Sells bamboo & wood carving, paintings, jade.
  7. China Art; 華藝 - Antique Chinese furniture. Together with related sites and books.
  8. Zee Stone Gallery - Includes textiles, carpets, tibetan works of art, paintings, antique Chinese and Tibetan furniture.
  9. Dynasty Antiques - Exports and supplies finely specialised Chinese antique furnitures & accessories.
  10. Well-Link International Co., Ltd - Provides art piece, antiques, night-lights and OEM.
  11. Art Treasures Gallery; 藝寶堂 - Dealers of fine antique Chinese furniture and artifacts, porcelain, pottery, and terra cotta figures.
  12. Chine Gallery; 華苑 - Antique furniture and rugs.
  13. Altfield Gallery - antique dealers on Chinese furniture, l8th century furniture, Southeast Asian sculpture, antique maps and topographical prints etc..
  14. Dragon Culture - Includes company profile, history & culture and antique consultant.
  15. L & E Arts & Crafts; 利怡 - specializes in oriental arts, antiques, furniture and manufactures fine decorative porcelains.
  16. Joyce Gallery Company Ltd.; 御雅居有限公司 - 經營中國古董、青銅器、石雕、金銀器、玉器、陶器及三彩等古美術品的買賣、鑑定、轉讓、收復、清理及包裝等服務。
  17. All Arts Auctioneers Ltd.; 普藝拍賣有限公司 - 定期舉行各種不同類型的展覽、拍賣會及藝術交流座談會等活動。業務內容:中國及西洋藝術品、書畫、陶瓷、古玩、郵票、珠寶及名類收藏品。 Auctioneer holding regular art related activites such as auctions, exhibitions and lectures. Specialized areas in Chinese and Western works of art, paintings, ceramics, stamps and coins, jewellery and collectiables.
  18. Wattis Fine Art - Specialising in antique maps, China trade pictures, 18th to 20th century European paintings and prints, and contemporary Hong Kong artists.
  19. Funny Gifts; 趣味精品店 - Products include personlized chinese gift, oriental ornaments, traditional toys, feng shui decoration, woodcarving, cultural present, bookmarks, copper coins, pinwheel, lucky drum, chinese doll, etc..
  20. 金銀海郵票錢幣公司 - 買賣, 交換, 拍賣郵票錢幣。
  21. 余東昇 - 古董修理及雕刻製作 - 有古董修理及銷售服務。
  22. J便利店 - 有可口可樂收藏品展示、買賣及交換。

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