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Dolls-公仔或洋娃娃生產商 (6)
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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Lick Hung Toys Ltd.; 力鴻玩具有限公司 - 生產塑膠玩具品,如飛機、直昇機及大車輪。
  2. Victory Diecasting Mfg. Co. Ltd.; 勝利壓鑄廠有限公司 - 生產塑膠、合金玩具鎗、車等產品。
  3. Vinbo-Toys; 偉寶玩具實業有限公司 - 生產及銷售玩具。
  4. Mei Bong Latex Mfg Fty Co Ltd.; 美邦乳膠品廠有限公司 - Halloween rubber mask manufacturer, horrible latex mask, license masks, animal masks, carnival items, costume, badly caps, toys, 3D table decoration, puppets, shoes, hands and accessories.
  5. Tak On Industrial Co. - Manufacturer & exporter of toys products.
  6. Yun Hing Industrial Co. - Manufactures and exports toys and playsets.
  7. 勵鋒塑膠廠有限公司 - 有塑膠玩具生產及出口。
  8. Galaxy Way Industries Ltd.; 國衛實業有限公司 - offer wooden promotional giftware, seasonal ornament OEM are welcome.
  9. 3D Toys Production Ltd.; 新天地玩具有限公司 - 產品包括背包、毛絨手套、豆袋公仔、匙扣等。
  10. Po Fung Trading Company; 寶豐貿易公司 - 生產PVC塑膠包裝袋及PVC吹氣玩具。
  11. Bestview Complex Ltd.; 百匯綜合有限公司 - Products include infant toys, pull toys, sound toys, tub toys, etc..
  12. Maksco Toy Ltd.; 開源玩具有限公司 - Specializes in mold making and plastic production. Production ranges from hand held pump action, mega air pressurized water rifles to novelty items.
  13. Master Leader International Ltd.; 新萬利國際有限公司 - Manufactures electronic toys & games, keychain games, etc..
  14. E. Bo Toys Ltd. - Specialize in producing a range of plastic battery operated & friction powered & electronic I.C. sound Cars and Trucks, as well as Playsets.
  15. Rico Industrial Company - Products include chartboard, skateboard, children billiard tabe, gambling tools, candle, battery, charger, button cells. 產品包括標靶、滑水板、兒童床球台、賭具、蜡燭、電池、充電器、鈕扣電。
  16. Wah Lai Toys (HK) Ltd.; 華麗玩具(香港)有限公司 - 提供玩具設計、開發、來圖、來樣制造。
  17. Toys World Electronic Ltd. - Remote control cars, explorer, turbo racer.
  18. Pro-Toys Model Design Company; 建興玩具手辦設計公司 - Toys model design and making such as cartoon figure, dolls, animal, model car, cyber and plastic casing, also includes electronic circuit layout and software development. 專營卡通人物首辨, 機械人, 石膏雕塑, 工業模型, 電池推動牙箱之手辦, 電子玩具線路設計及Layout.
  19. Summer Metal Products Mfg. Co., Ltd.; 森馬金屬製品有限公司 - 生產金屬及塑膠玩具製品,包括玩具車及飛機等。 Produces metal and plastic toys including toys car and airplane etc..

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