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  1. i-Key - 以車匙形式之防止酒後駕駛系統,在駕駛前作酒精含量測試,是吹氣分析儀與車匙之整合。
  2. ChampionIT.com - 提供以車匙形式之防止酒後駕駛系統(i-Key),在駕駛前作酒精含量測試。
  3. Timberport Enterprise Ltd.; - Products include car alarm system, motorcycle alarm system, central locking system, keyless entry, auto immobilizer, parking sensor, learning remote/remote control duplicator, power window kits/motor, power window control module, ultrasonic sensor, mircoware sensor, shock sensor, glass break sensor, etc. 產品有汽車防盜器、防盜拷貝遙控、中控鎖、倒車雷達及泊車感應系統。
  4. D-Key.com - 提供以車匙形式之防止酒後駕駛系統(i-Key),在駕駛前作酒精含量測試。
  5. AI Auto Accessories; AI 自動車配件 - Products include parking sensor, hidden parking sensor, security alarm and related accessories. 專營泊車警示器、隱藏式泊車警示器、防盜及有關配件。

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