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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Hong Kong Science Colloquium Forum; 科學研討論壇 - 提供自然科學和經濟學上的研討,內設化學問題庫。
  2. Wyith R. Cheng and Associates - specialised in various technical fields, mainly in Industrial Engineering, Industrial Automation, Electric Machinery, Robot Systems and CAD/CAM Interfaces
  3. Association for Computing Machinery Hong Kong Chapter
  4. iCABLE科學資訊 - 收集天文、地理、宇宙、自然科學等科學資訊網址。
  5. Web Directory: Mainland Science and Technology Institutions; 中國科研機構網 - provides Hong Kong Special Administrative Region with mainland industrial, commercial, scientific and technological information, to facilitate more technological and commercialisation joint ventures between the mainland and the HKSAR. 為香港企業提供中國內地工程、信息科技、電腦、中醫藥和環境科學等工商科技信息,以促成更多內地與香港在科技及商品化方面的合作。
  6. Science Education; 超媒體自學中心 - 科學 - 由香港教育學院製作,為中學提供科學的教材,包括科學探究技巧、科學教室、英漢詞彙、相關網址。
  7. DC Technologies; 德勝科技 - specialize in fiber interconnection solutions: optical fiber, single mode, multimode, patchcord, pigtail, optical adaptor, insertion loss, optical return loss, FC, SC, ST, SMA, MP, PC, SPC, UPC, APC, FDDI, ESCON, LC, wallmount fiber enclosure, optical connector polishing tools, hand polishing disc, GR-326-CORE, FOTP, rack mount interconnect cabinet, splice cabinet, connector panel cabinet, splice tray, Methode Fiber Optic Cable Management Products, distributor of Methode Fiber Optic Cable Management Products.
  8. The Southa Group - The Southa Group of Companies is a multi-disciplined professional service organisation providing engineering technical expertise.
  9. ScienceBasics.com - Daily science news from a list of magazines, journals and science web site directory.

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