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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. The Chinese Course in Miracles; 奇蹟課程中文部 - 介紹奇蹟課程的緣起、內容及發展,亦有導讀、解說,及奇蹟資訊中心的相關活動報導。
  2. Toastmasters Club - 幫助會員改善他們的溝通技巧, 提高個人品格及領導能力.
  3. Selfupgrade.com; 自我提升網 - 網上課程,心理測驗、IQ問題、勵志故事、笑話和線上遊戲。投稿賺錢、獎學金。
  4. The Hong Kong Psychological Society; 香港心理學會 - Principal aims are to encourage the growth of psychological activities in Hong Kong and to promote the development of an appropriate professional environment to faciliate the maintenance of professional standards for psychologists.
  5. Family Assessment; 家庭關係量表 - 量度父母管教壓力、夫婦溝通和處理衝突方式的量表。

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