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  1. A-Connect - Specializes in management resources on project basis. 以項目形式配對合適的人才。
  2. Allegro (HK) Ltd; Allegro (HK) Ltd. - 提供人力資源服務,包括全職/兼職示範員、模特兒;海報、宣傳單張、宣傳產品之設計及製作;承包展銷場地攤位設計;設計及製作公司網頁。
  3. Academy of Management Consultancy (AMC); 管理諮詢專業研究學院 - 本學院致力為客戶供專業的管理培訓服務,包括領導才能,建立團隊等,DBA課程,幫助機構成功推動變革。
  4. Global Resource Solutions; 環球資源策劃顧問 - 環球資源策劃顧問提供可行性研究、業務改進、管理項目、融資顧問、應急規劃、風險評估及調查服務。
  5. (ICAS)International Credential Assessment Service - ICAS evaluates international educational documents to Canadian standards for employment, admission to institutions, and immigration. Disponsible en francais.
  6. Political & Economic Risk Consultance, Ltd.
  7. Asia Information Associates Ltd. - provides solutions to the special information needs of in-house counsel and other professional managers, particularly in relation to China, Hong Kong and Vietnam.
  8. Fiducia Management Consultants; 德信管理顧問 - 提供經營管理、市場研究、市場調查及人力資源的專業咨詢服務。 Specialise in providing advices on company assessment, market study, market research as well as human resources management.
  9. Hong Kong Customer Service Consortium Ltd.; 香港顧客服務協會有限公司 - We are pooling resources, learning from one another, undertaking scientific research and developing practical business solution for leading companies to elevate service quality in HKSAR. 匯聚不同行業 具代表性公司, 互相學習 及研 究,提昇服務水平。
  10. China Business Consultancy Ltd.; 中國商事顧問有限公司 - assist clients streamline their investing and sourcing in China and Hong Kong, and help them become merged in local environment and achieve economic benefits.
  11. Jovian Communications Group Ltd.; 溢星傳播集團有限公司 - 提供公關顧問服務, 主要服務範疇,包括財經傳播、企業傳播、網上傳播,以及市場拓展。
  12. K K Yeung Management Consultants Ltd. - Including China consultancy, business process re-engineering, economic studies & analysis, market research, financial advisory, debt re-structuring, government consultancy...
  13. Scott Wilson Hong Kong; 偉信 - Hong Kong-based operation of Scott Wilson international consultancy for planning, engineering, transport, management and environmental services.
  14. Acceleram - Project management consultants specialising in new product development.
  15. PMMS Asia Pacific Ltd. - Provides strategies for cost reduction, development of negotiation skills, approaches to effective control of supply markets and creative contract management.
  16. SME Consultants International Ltd.; 中健國際顧問有限公司
  17. GML Consulting Ltd. - incorporated management consultancy operate in Hong Kong and Mainland China, a range of consulting assignments since 1986 in the areas of managing change, human resources management and strategic planning, have offices in Beijing and Shanghai and have worked with clients in over 26 major cities in Mainland China.
  18. TechTolink Company Limited - technical and commercial consultancy
  19. Enoch's PR & Consultants Company; 以諾公關顧問公司 - 服務包括、編採、訪問、撰寫中英文年報及新聞稿、舉辦記者招待會、講座及展覽聯絡各大電子及報界傳媒採訪、廣告及現場監督、各類拍攝、應付傳媒技巧訓練及傳媒研究、出版刊物及印製單張及書籍等。
  20. Trans-World Telecom Limited ; 禮文國際電訊有限公司 - A member of Telecom Association of Hong Kong, specialising in telecom systems, supply, install, maintain and provide consultancy services.
  21. AGA Information Ltd.; 聯訊商業資料有限公司 - 提供公司信用資料、商業登記、民事訴訟記錄、房地產、車輛牌照及結婚證書等查冊服務。
  22. MG Services Ltd.; 安捷查冊有限公司 - Provides services for property search, company search, business search, registration search, winding up search, bankruptcy search. 提供物業, 公司, 商業登記, 清盆, 破產等服務.
  23. Greater China Appraisal Ltd.; 漢華評值有限公司 - Provides appraisal or valuation services for real property, plant and machinery, infrastructure project etc.
  24. Llowd & Wilkins Executive Consulting - 提供和教授有關銷售及市場的工作知識, 解決銷售及市場業務上之困難,掌握界定、分析和解決銷售及市場問題之技巧.
  25. Black & White Investigation; 香港本地私人調查公司 - Serivces include surveillance, asseting tracing (資產調查), copyright investigation (版權調查) and others. Also provides international investigation and credit report.
  26. Glory Team Consultants Ltd.; 科譽顧問有限公司 - 會計,公司秘書,稅務,顧問,資訊科技,翻譯等服務. Accounting, secretarial, taxation, consultancy, translation and information technology services.
  27. China Knowledge Management - believes in harnessing the right information at the right time. Our forward thinking approach help international investors streamline their investment decisions and analyze new opportunities in China.
  28. Nature & Technologies (HK) Ltd. - A private environmental consulting firm providing monitoring & audit, engineering design, and specialist advice services.
  29. h k ball and associates - a management consulting firm
  30. China-way Corporation Ltd.; 中國通 - "a Hong Kong based group that specializes in partnership operations with international companies working in China and Hong Kong. China-way's main practice areas are property, finance and investment. 為有意發展中國市場的公司提供顧問諮詢服務。"
  31. Wise and Commerce; 商智匯聚 - 提供各類顧問服務,包括企業導向、人生導向、廣告策略、設計、演講、攝影等。
  32. A & C Business Consultant Ltd.; 雅歌商業顧問有限公司 - Services includes company formation, accounting, taxation, company secretarial and audit arrangement.
  33. Asia Pacific China Business Consultants Co.; 亞太中國商務顧問公司 - 提供中國商務及法律顧問服務,協助個人或企業解決在大陸發展和營商所面對的問題。
  34. Entertainmentcover.com - Provides consultation on film financing, completion bond, entertainment insurance for local film and entertainment industry participants.
  35. N. Law and Associates Management Consultancy Ltd. - Management consultancy, training & audit services in ISO9000, ISO14000, OHSAS14001, HACCP, SA8000, BS7799, FIU(SM) etc.
  36. CFO Solutions Ltd. - Resourceful finance advisor to business owners and investors, dedicated to provide practical business management solutions that will improve financial management, productivity and business performance of the client organisation.
  37. RA Consultants Ltd.; 信安商務諮詢有限公司 - 為中外企業提供知識產權保護、商業調查、法律援助等方面的服務。
  38. DTX Associates - Traditional business is retained executive search in the technology sectors. Also offers two other services: interim management and people consulting.
  39. Zennon & Pierre Marine Services Ltd.; 盛平海事有限公司 - Services include international marine cargo survey, loss adjustment, claims settling and recovery.
  40. China Market Leader; 中國市場專家 - 提供實地考察課程,為有心創業或想在中國市場發展的朋友們而提供服務。
  41. Knowledge Workshop; 知識工作室 - 提供管理顧問、培訓、ISO顧問、TQM、 BPR等服務。
  42. HK Management Consulting Ltd.; 香港管理顧問有限公司 - 提供管理顧問服務,包括有ISO 9001、ISO 14001、ISO 27001及OHSAS 18001等管理體系的設計和推行;另包括六西格碼(six sigma)、精益生產(lean manufacturing)等。
  43. FH art management - 對藝術品進行專業估值, 並為藝術商人或公司藏品, 在展覽、運輸等中提供保障保險服務。To provide art advisory services to private collectors, corporations, art dealers, galleries, and architecture firms, insurance and wealth management industries.
  44. B M Intelligence International Ltd.; 邦盟匯駿集團 - 一間於香港聯合交易所創業板上市之公司,針對具發展潛力企業的需要,提供一站式企業顧問服務,包括企業融資顧問; 企業估值; 財經通訊; 公司秘書; 專業翻譯; 信用管理; 中國業務顧問及資訊科技顧問.
  45. Leader Consultants (Asia) Ltd.; 名家顧問(亞洲)有限公司 - 提供管理系統顧問服務(ISO 9001、ISO 14001、OHSAS 18001)。
  46. 天逸聯盟 - 特許經營及加盟商顧問服務。

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