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Corporate Training-企業培訓@(6)
Executive Search-行政/主管/經理級@(9)
Organizations-人力資源組織 (2)
Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. i-Admin (HK) Ltd. - HR Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company offering payroll outsourcing, HR administration software and HR-related statutory processes.
  2. 香港人力資源有限公司 - 有勞工安排服務,地盤平安咭、保安員及密閉空間課程。
  3. Zebra Strategic Outsource Solutions; 施伯樂策略 - Offers HR services from outsourced HR administration to flexible manpower resources to outsourced payroll management.
  4. Global Executive Consultants Ltd.; 國博企業管理咨詢有限公司 - Provides HR, recruitment consultancy services.
  5. 中原專業人事顧問有限公司 - 有獵頭及招聘服務及臨時員工安排。
  6. Hong Kong Recruitment; 亮瑜人事顧問公司 - Recruitment agency that focuses on consulting services and recruitment from jr. position to executive search.
  7. SHL Group - design and implementation of competency-based assessment and development tools; provides psychological tests including personality questionnaire, ability tests, work simulation exercises, job analysis tools, assessment tools and assessment systems, all developed and standardized in each local culture.
  8. Wilson Learning Corporation; 維新企業管理 - dedicated to human performance improvement, help people and organizations be the best they can be: to achieve performance with fulfillment. The company's integrated offerings include consulting, training and development, strategy alignment and implementation, assessment-based employee development, and leading edge eLearning solutions.
  9. Excelnet Recruitment Services (hk) Ltd.; 卓越 - One of the recruitment and outsource HR management services companies.
  10. HR Magazine - Content includes staff acquisition, retention, training & development, training modules, HR appointments, HR events, HR conferences, 30-minute HR, talent managment and human capital.
  11. NuTech Solution - HRPro協助您自動化處理日常的HR工作,包含薪酬、強積金、稅務、休假及考勤等。
  12. The Recruitment Co. - recruitment consultancy in Hong Kong, specialises in recruitment for positions in the banking and information technology sectors.
  13. Manpower Hong Kong - Specialised IT service division to supply all levels of IT professional and management positions.
  14. Power Source Consulting Ltd. - Provides the recruitment services in the area of banking, securities, computing, accounting and general office staff.
  15. Buck Consultants Asia - Providing human resources technology services, benefits consulting etc.
  16. Mercer Human Resource Consulting - Offers HR articles, news, software advice and services.
  17. People Management Services Ltd.; 人事管理服務有限公司 - 提供書籍,影音和電腦軟件,評估工具和工作坊教材套銷售 顧客服務, 工程管理, 溝通技巧, 表達方式.
  18. Human Resources Development Centre - company background, products & services, multimedia learning delivery platforms, course information.
  19. Core Transformation Center; 人格培訓發展中心 - 提供個人增值之訓練課程, 如個人核心潛能培訓,建立企業文化,價值觀及目標培訓等。
  20. HRM Essentials System Consulting Ltd. - Achiever 2000 - a human resource management system.
  21. Sino i. Training Centre; 互動培訓中心 - 管理人員在職領導技巧, 如何面對稅務局的實地審查, 數碼品牌新經濟.
  22. H-R. Org - Human resource centre for Greater China with HR articles, job careers matching, HR products and services resources, MPF and benefits resources, links to Government sites, and HR communities and related alliance groups.
  23. Match Personnel Consultancy
  24. HRproOnline Inc.; 人力資源管理顧問公司 - provides users with an HR center (HR information library), a career center (resumes/job postings), and HR tools (forms) and services. 提供了人力資源管理資訊及求職求才資料庫,更有許多人力資源管理的方法工具和服務項目。
  25. ConsultDB Human Capital and Resources - 提供聘用顧問服務,並為企業進行招聘、提供求職者求職面試指導。
  26. Vitality HR Consultancy Ltd. - Outsourcing of human resource management function for small to medium sized firms, including HR projects, searching professional, technical & executive staff, outplacement, training programs design and delivery, counseling, etc..
  27. Centre for Effective Leadership (HK) Ltd. - 公司顧問及員工培訓服務。
  28. Com-Mart Technologies Co. Ltd.; 信貿科技有限公司 - Smart HR 是一套出入控制、人事資料管理薪金及強積金計算系統。半系統採用感應式智能卡技術來讀取資料,然後傳送到系統內判辨出入權限、控制門鎖開關、記錄員工考勤和計算工時等。 Smart HR is a management system, it includes Access Control, Human Resources, Payroll and MPF calculation system. "Smart Reader" can read data from the smart card, and transfer data to the system for access authorization; control door opening; record staff's attendance and for salary calculation etc.
  29. CL Smart Sourcing Ltd.; 日達人事管理有限公司 - Provides human resource outsourcing services including payroll outsource, permanent or contract staff recruitment in PRC and Hong Kong.
  30. Genesis - Human resource services company, provides recruitment services, career transition services and training & development programs to our clients.
  31. Pacific Base Technologies Ltd.; 宏基科技有限公司 - HRIS System development experience using cutting-edge development tools on the latest 64-bit platform. HRIS88 makes it easier, faster, safer, and more entertaining for you to manage your HR information with superior results.
  32. 亞太人力發展顧問公司 - 有香港及中國企業招聘服務。
  33. Fidelity Human Resources Consultants Company - 人力資源, 就業服務.

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