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Ad Products-廣告招牌/廣告器材/廣告用品 (44)
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Conventions and Exhibitions-會議及展覽 (38)
Direct Marketing-直銷 (10)
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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. Lokomotive Communications (Asia) Ltd. - Provides one-stop interactive marketing and communication solutions including web design, e-commerce, system integration and development, web hosting service, research, analysis, strategic marketing.
  2. Gravitas, Mobile Marketing Company - Provides mobile marketing solution.
  3. A1 Fax & Email Marketing Service; 大中傳真電郵推廣服務 - 傳真與電郵推廣服務。
  4. Avalade Group - Services include management consulting, marketing, product localization. Specializes in electronic communications including online and mobile platform.
  5. E's Concept Communication Ltd.; 創意推廣有限公司 - Easy solution for brand building & marketing communications. 從事公關、市場推廣,提供一站式拓展方案。
  6. TechWorks Asia Ltd; 雋科公關有限公司 - Asia and Greater China PR and marketing communications consultancy / agency specialising in technology, including electronics, semiconductors, industrial, materials, and manufacturing.
  7. The Puzzle Marketing & PR Ltd. - Services include marketing communication, cooperate communication, event management, campus marketing, joint promotion, loyalty program, brand building, marketing research and analysis, strategic programming, design and production.
  8. Euan Barty Associates - provides public relations, marketing and specialist writing services in China, Hong Kong, India and the Asian region.
    電話: (852)2537 8022
  9. Welcome to Building Brands - The site covers every aspect of brands and brand building, including: brand strategy, marketing, communications and customer relationship management.
    電話: (852) 9754 1202
  10. Alternative Development Asia Ltd. - a conference and exhibition organiser for producing, marketing and running the international Financial and alternative energy events in the Asian region.
  11. Ad Hoc Concepts - strategic marketing - Strategic marketing services in Asia for the technology, telecommunicatins and biotechnology sectors in China and Asia
  12. Direct Marketing of Asia Association - trade association for users and suppliers in the direct, database and interactive marketing field. It acts as a platform for networking, provides training courses, organizes events and keeps you informed of the innovation within the marketing industry.
  13. ChinaMarketing.net - Provide promotion service and sales consultancy service for enterprises which intend to enter the China's Fast Moving Consumer Product (FMCP) market. 為有意進入中國消費品市場的中小企業提供營銷顧問服務。
  14. Motiv8 - a company specialises at evaluating service in stores, help you understand what works, why it works and how well it works in marketing.
  15. Synchronic Communications Ltd.; 同步企業傳訊有限公司 - Provides public relations and comprehensive marketing services to the clients. 提供公共關係及市場推廣策略服務.
  16. Sino Business Information Ltd. (SBI); 中信商業資訊有限公司 - Services includes online credit, business and adverse information, corporate and consumer ratings, specialized market statistics and analysis, business credit reports, integrated marketing, collections and receivables services.
  17. Promoter.com.hk; 推廣員服務 - 專為各大網絡供應商,IDD 供應商,電腦及電訊產品生產商,於各展覽會,商場,連鎖店或講座內提供推廣員服務.
  18. B-blue sky; 藍藍的天 - A group of communication specialists who help clients stretch their imagination.
  19. Giortal Marketing Ltd.; 安陶市場策劃有限公司 - 中國市場的產品營銷及採購顧問,提供網上和傳統的市場推廣策略服務。 Specializes in sourcing & marketing products in China. Provides on-line and offline solutions.
  20. Sino Combo International Ltd.; 中滔國際有限公司 - Services include marketing and sales strategy formulation, brand development, product selection, marketing research, negotiation, laboratory test arrangement, logistics arrangement, etc..
  21. Asia Marketing Strategic Consulting Services - 策略性市場營銷顧問公司,創造及改善長遠和短期業務發展策略, 以提高和開拓新收入來源。
  22. ASK Promotion Service Ltd. - Supplies audio, visual and lighting equipment. Also provides event management and promotional activity services.
  23. Mobile Gravitas - Provides mobile marketing products and services.
  24. Real Estate And Marketing Ltd.; 房地產與建築推廣有限公司 - Provides marketing solutions (including sales, public relations and communications management) for real estate companies.
  25. Ting Tai Professional Promotion Ltd.; 鼎棣專業推廣有限公司 - specializing and producing tissue, wet tissue, towels and cleaning clothes, gifts & souvenirs, hotel & motel equipment, magic towel.
  26. Digital Media Marketing; 數碼媒體營銷 - 介紹數碼媒體營銷, 包括其定義、模式、種類、發展及成功應用例子。
  27. EC Marketing Services & Consultancy; 以思巿場策略推廣 - Provides database marketing and management services.
  28. Biz Legend; 盟略 - 服務包括顧問、市場分析、市場推廣、銷售策略、廣告製作等。

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