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Sites for you ( 我要加入 Sites for You 優先排序 ): 網站排行: ( ! Sorted by reputation, visitors, content richness and freshness e.t.c..

  1. SecuRex Solution Ltd. - Provides network DVR video server, lens and cameras.
  2. SecuRex Solution Ltd.; 思得力保安科技有限公司 - Provides include digital video recorder, IP video solution, IP camera and video servers, camera and lens.
  3. Protect-on Systems Ltd.; 保廸安防盜糸統有限公司 - 保安系統製造商,專門生產數字密碼鍵盤、防盜控制箱、紅外線行動探測器等,也生產電子寵物訓練器和嬰兒情緒舒緩音樂產品。
  4. Checkmate Industries Ltd. - defence and security procurement, manufacuturer and exporter of military and security products.
  5. Flair-Tech Ltd.; 敏力科技 - A leading provider of embedded web systems and Internet Appliances Products. Provide iGuard access control security system and it's hardwares.
  6. Vdix Integration - Designs, engineers and produces digital video systems and system components to meet operational needs involving security, safety, surveillance, control or communication.
  7. Lifecom Technologies (HK) Co.; 展利科技(香港)公司 - 提供及設計專業系統、閉路電視及防盜保安系統、視像荒逋系統、數碼防盜錄影系統、多媒體數學、公共音響系統、電腦網絡及通訊系統、軟件系統等。
  8. Advantec Co., Ltd.; 俊科行安保公司 - Specializes in surveillances products and digital communication products.
  9. Vdix Integration (HK) Ltd.; 迪思香港有限公司 - 產品包括閉路電視、網上監察、數碼錄影、門禁、指紋監別、防盜警鐘系統、家居防盜、金屬探測器、對講機、巡更機等。
  10. Union Laser Security Consultants Co., Ltd.; 聯寶保安顧問有限公司 - 提供保安系統、警鍾系統設計、安裝及維修、閉路電視、指形機、掌形機、指紋機、智能卡及緊急維修。
  11. Swan DVR System; 思維保安錄影系統 - Provides Linux based digital video recording system with web playback function.
  12. Sunway Equipment Co; 新寶保安器材公司 - 售賣保安器材系統。

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